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Motor speed sensor light on: machine not stitching

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Was busy stitching this morning when without incident the machine just stopped stitching

Changed fuse; checked connections; does not stitch in regulator or manual mode: needle up down positioner not working; stitch regulator chirps but no stitching; I'm afraid the motor has died but holding out hope that I have overlooked something simple. I know the folks at APQS will help Monday morning but unti then.... Penny for your thoughts?

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Well, my machine has an Intellistitch stitch regulator which uses a different motor and different electronics from your Millie, but here's what I'd do between now and when the folks at APQS can help you:  I'd check the motor brushes.  Take them out, examine, blow out the carbon dust from the motor, and replace them.  If they're worn out, there won't be much carbon (less than 1/4 inch) left and you'll know they need to be replaced.  I would also fool with the "number 8" screw.  It apparently adjusts the needle speed which affects both the stitching and the needle up/down operation.  Again the Intellistitch adjusts needle speed differently.  Check your owners manual and make sure you've looked at/replaced all the fuses.  If this doesn't identify the problem you will probably have to wait for APQS.  Good luck.  Jim 

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Thanks Lucy, Cagey and Jim. It is a 2008 Millie; I am it's second owner. I have been stitching happily with it since I acquired it back in May. I have been doing a lot of detail and template work and think all the stops and starts may have caught up with the motor. Yes, Jim I thought I would check the motor brush, knowing that will be something the APQS Techs will want me to check . From what I read in the owners manual there is only one fuse and I changed that.

I appreciate the input and hopefully by tomorrow this time a will have a solution in place.

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