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Bird's nest on backing


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I recently quilted a quilt and when I took it off the frame found that I had about 4 small bird's nests on the next to last row. I always check each row, but I did not see these until I took if off the frame.

I was using prewound bobbins with one side of the cardboard taken off due to the thread no feeding right. I was using So Fine in the top.

Any ideas as to why this may of happened?


Carol Osburn

Millie with CQ

Amarillo, TX

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Make sure the fingers on your bobbin check spring are extended. Backlash (where the bobbin continues to spin after you stop stitching) causes bird's nests. Also, make sure the bobbin thread, when pulled, spins the bobbin clockwise. You can remove the cardboard sides, or leave them on--as long as your tension is adjusted correctly. I insert the bobbin, make sure the thread runs correctly, take off the outside cardboard, and test in the Towa Gauge. Sometimes I apply Sewer's Aid to the bobbin thread as well.

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