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Nice leafy overall

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My customer wanted an open overall for this twin-bed sized quilt. It's one of two similar quilts meant for their guest room. The fabric is very modern in pattern and color but the motifs are Victorian. I quilted Victorian-style swirls and leaves to match the ones in the fabric, per her request. This design was forgiving and quick to stitch. Feel free to use and adapt if you like.



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Hi Linda...

As usual, it's gorgeous.

I'm wondering how you keep it so evenly spaced.

Do you mark it at all or just go for it?

I struggle with this on some designs and others I can do easily.

I can't figure out why this.

I'm wondering if you, or anyone, has tricks to share.

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For Libby and Meg-

There were no starts and stops except for advancing and new bobbins. I have lots of designs that incorporate swirls and I use several "styles" of swirls to match the mood or fabric designs. If you can do loops--that repetitive loop-one-way-next-loop-the-other-way design--the swirls are an easy transitions because they are also back-and-forth. They can be done large or small, with added embellishments or plain. And they're forgiving--if I stitch the first swoop of the swirl awkwardly, I ribbon on the backtrack to even things out. 

Here's a photo of the sequence and how to add a filler swirl. I also use long tendril leaves to fill in a narrow area as I stitch, where a full swirl would crowd the design. 

Have fun!


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