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What is your favorite accessory for your longarm and why do you like it? I am overwhelmed right now with what to get for my la. I recently sold my home quilting frame and have a little $ to buy supplies, but what to get? (Have lots of thread and needles, LOL.)

I have the microdrive handles and two hartley rulers that came with my base. I love these tools.

DH just put the paint brushes away after finishing off my studio and it looks great. Now I'm just itching to stitch.

Judy Z

Millenium owner for three weeks now and loving it.

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I have a number of tools that I use regularly, and some I bought I never have used. I would suggest not buying until you come up against something that you want/need to do and buy that tool. You will find plenty that you will want to buy without really searching. When you find the design/problem ask the gals here and you'll get specific advice on what they have used that worked and didn't work.

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At the present my favorites have been:

1. the extended base with the rulers.

2.The TOWA bobbin tension tool.

2 The Circle Lord plus the "ginko" template. Very expensive but it shot my productivity level Waaayyy up so that I am producing quality designs that I could not do freehand/freemotion, at least at this point..

I am still doing pravtice, practice, practice on freemotion feathers.

well.......hopefully .....someday they will look like the ones I see others doing.

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The Dainty Ditcher is just a small business card size, 2" X 3 1/2" , bright green acrylic "ruler" that helps you follow a short straight line, stitch-in-the-ditch, or to go around an applique by putting pressure on one side of the hopping foot with the ruler while you move the machine with your other hand. No learning curve really. Just a simple, useful tool.

I like the bright green color to help me keep track of it in my studio! It's also marked with 1/4" lines that can help with outline work too. It's the same thickness of other acrylic rulers that I have I and haven't had that thing happen with the foot hopping on top of it.


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The two new ruler guides that come with the acrylic Hartley base expander are good too. You really need this base too. It slides on and off very easily, even with a quilt on, even with the needle down! The rulers have a handle on top to help hold them while you work.

I dropped the larger one the same day I got it and it broke. Fixed it with super glue and moved on!

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