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no question is too silly

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There was a post recently where someone new to quilting asked how to pull the bobbin thread up at the end of stitching.  Several people responded with their favorite techniques.  I've searched for it today and I can't find it.  


I just want to say....I've been quilting with Millie for 5 years now.  After reading those responses, I tried a different way to do this and I'm loving it!  I had been pulling Millie a few inches away to get slack, then going back to the last stitch and positioning the needle very close to it to go down/up to catch that bobbin thread.  Sometimes I pierced the bobbin thread with the needle and created a problem, that occasionally meant I had to rip and restitch.


Don't know why it never occurred to me to do what was recommended in that post.....simply move Millie out a few inches and drop the needle down/up there. Then the last stitch is always where I left it and it's so much easier to do.


So thank you to the newbie who posted the question.  I'm sorry I can't find it to give you proper credit.  And for all of you who have questions that you think are too silly to ask.....they are not silly at all.  Please ask them, we all benefit from it.

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