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Kailey's baby quilt

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Hopefully you can read this. The label was made from a piece of my son's baby quilt. LOL it was very much loved and the faint color you see is all the color left in it. He finally gave it to me when he was 14! LOL he used to keep it in his pillowcase so none of his friends knew he had it. I can still picture him standing at the washing machine crying hysterically when it had to be washed! Too funny.


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OK tears just welled up in my eyes when I read that label. Too sweet!!!

The bubbles are cute.

And, I can just see little Kailey's fingers touching the applique, and feeling the embroidery threads with her tiny fingers. Those little sea creatures will fascinate her while she is laying on it hanging out in her crib or laying on the floor.... and the more it is washed, the softer it will be and I just know it will be washed many many times and get so buttery silky soft and cuddly!!

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Thanks everybody. It was fun to do. I have the rest of son's quilt to use for future grandbabies. I am absolutely the worst at making labels but knew a long time ago how I would label this one. LOL it is funny how my mind works sometimes! Son still tells me a boy can't have too many quilts and I'm a little surprised he didn't want his baby quilt back. I still remember the day he brought it to me to put away. He held it out in his hands and said, "I think I'm ready for you to have this." I put my hands out but he didn't let go. I told him he could keep it, nobody knew but he insisted he thought he was ready. LOL I told him where it would be if he decided he wanted it back. Still brings tears to my eyes. I didn't even make this quilt. I didn't quilt when he was born. It was a quilt that my MIL found in a hotel she worked at. It was brand new and she had washed it and asked me if we could use it. We didn't have much money then so you betcha! Son had another purchased quilt with Mickey Mouse on it but this quilt is the one that won his heart. The only color left on it is where the zig zag stitching was thatI had put on it to hold it together after I re-sandwiched it for the 2nd time! LOL

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