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Sheri Butler

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Everything posted by Sheri Butler

  1. When/If you sell this machine, you may want to let possible buyers know, that we manufacture a 1/2" foot for the ULT II machine, so you can use ALL the rulers on the market today with this older machine! My contact info is at the bottom of the posting here. Sheri
  2. If the old "spoon foot" is still on this machine, i sell/manufacture a foot that you can use ALL the rulers on the market with! you can contact me via my email listed below my name.
  3. I still have about 9 Ruler feet left in stock, that goes on the Ult II machines only, so you can do ruler work.
  4. I have 18 ruler feet left for the Ultimate II machine so you can use rulers! you can contact me via email at 1sheributler@gmail.com.
  5. I bought this for my daughter who has since changed her mind, & now has a different machine. new. Never used. model ESS. $65 OBO. Shipping estimates between $8 and $12. I’ll need a zip code to verify for you!
  6. Someone can make me an offer on my remaining boards I have left, and the Upfront Stylus I just reduced to $50.00
  7. Longarm machines do not have a stitch count to my knowledge. only embroidery machines.
  8. I have a set of Egyptian Eye boards AND a set of the Gems long boards left for sale. See my posting a few spots below your posting! Click the Sheri Butler Created a topic link below. you'll see all i have left for sale! I have a 12' table I used all my boards on, both Queen and King sized!!!
  11. Cheryla, tell your buyer, that I sell the ruler foot for the ULT II machines! Give her my contact info: 1sheributler@gmail.com It could help sell your machine knowing they can use rulers with this foot! Those ULT II's are workhorses, thats for certain!!! Thanks!
  12. We sell the 1/2" foot for this machine, so the new buyer can use all the rulers on the market for design making. Please foward my info to them. It also could help you sell this machine! My info is at the bottom here:
  13. HI Connie...im on my FB more than im on the forum...or any forum for that matter.....
  14. There is a video on youtube that Myrna Ficken does with the APQS Machines. I think what we are asking here Charlene, is a set of feet you can thread your yarn, (couching material) thru, with a mechanism (thread guides) that guides your threads from on top of the machine head, and down into the couching foot hole.
  15. This quilt is just so neat! I absolutely love everything about it! Ya'll did GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I've asked for this 5 yrs ago. At that time Dawn thought they were working on one. Then i think it just got dropped. Still praying one comes to fruition!! Especially like 3 feet...each with different sized holes for different thicknesses of threads/yarns..etc. like HandiQuilters have!!
  17. YES! It was Mikes light!!! Thanks! When I popped on here, i didnt have his contact info with me.
  18. I bought the led lights that mount under/above the needle bar and LOVE IT! Just as bright as the new machines! Why wouldnt you go that route instead of having that big ole tube in your vision path?
  19. Ok, my luck, we'd get rearended. Then a nice sewing machine imprint would be permenantly embedded into my skull along with the spool of thread. I'd NEVER do it. But that's me. Roads are not smooth enough to ensure a quality pieced quilt top, or anything for that matter. But, good luck to ya! I tried hand embroidery ONCE. yup, ONCE! Roads not smooth enough to get that dang needle back in where ya want it. Wont do any sewing while riding along in a car.
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