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Were your ears burning?

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Now that you mention it.....:P I bet the show was fun.

This group is the best for info about everything! It was a real perk with the purchase of Mel. I live in the sticks, but thanks to you guys, its like having a bunch of really good neighbors/firends. I keep waiting for my doorbell to ring and one of you to show up wih an apple pie....please:D:D

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Last year at MQS we really talked up this site. I mentioned it in classes where I was a TA and when I helped out in the Circle Lord booth. The best part was telling people and them saying, "Oh, I don't have an APQS." Then we can say..."That's okay, everyone is welcome." The look on their faces is priceless :)

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I have to warn all of you. While I was looking at exhibits yesterday, I kept seeing these drop dead gorgeous, out of this world, amazing quilts. The depression kept getting deeper as I thought that I would never be able to quilt like this. Then I started to read the lables, and finally dawned on me that this was a special exhibit by our own Karen McTavish and her mom. Okay, so I really won't ever be able to quilt like that, but it's okay, it's Karen's work!:D Have a great time, be sure and say hi. Hugs are welcome!

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alright you guys, quit talking about the

show & come & see me!!!

Sherry is also here with Lollapalooza

but ya better hurry if you want a copy

of her book, they are selling like

hot cakes!!!!

see ya soon!!

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