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Thread Winner!

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Hey everyone,

Belated THANKS to Heidi @ APQS, Linda A. and Superior Threads.

I WON the $250.00 thread package after visiting the APQS booth at the Sisters quilt show in July. Hooray! What a fabulous surprise.

My thread shelves are looking very pretty. :P Does this mean I now have some extra $$$ to spend while I'm at Innovations? Of course!

~~ Eva H.

Here's our cutie, Linda A. in Sisters.

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Thanks. I really am lucky! I win stuff all the time. I tell people, "Things always work out for me," and they do. ;)

It rubs off on others too. I took two spools of thread that were duplicates of what I already had in my studio to guild and we had a drawing for them. Two more lucky winners! :P

Can't wait to get to Innovations! ~~ Eva

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Hi Linda,

Innovations is the start of the "crazy" season for me. From here to the end of December I'm busy until my family wants to lock me away in the looney-bin and throw away the key to my studio. :P

I'm bringing an SUV full of longarm quilters and my little guy. We're only staying two nights dog-gone it so it'll be a jam-packed day on Saturday. I'm meeting up with friends from different parts of the Northwest, picking up and delivering quilts along the way. Multi-tasking to the max!

One of my sisters is flying down from Alaska. My other two sisters live in the Tacoma area so my little boy gets to have a playday with three of his boy cousins. What a hoot. Last year that event took place in the hotel lobby! (Just to make sure we could get a room again this year, we put the reservation under someone else's name. :D Just kidding. I think. ;))

Aunts one, two and three will stuff those boys full of cupcakes and milkshakes. "oh boy, oh boy." Then, they all get to drive just a short distance home. I get to drive seven and a half hours back to Oregon with a little boy with a tummy ache and me with a headache. (Last year we drove home, sleep deprived adults with upset stomachs and hangovers. But, shhh...don't tell. The kid was in charge and he was just fine. LOL)

And, oh yeah, the quilt show! Hopefully I'll get enough time to see all the quilts, meet up with some of you, and maybe do some shopping. I only have one quilt at the show this year. A customer made it to donate to our local Humane Society to be auctioned off at a dinner event next month. I hope it raises lots of money!

As for the chat dinner, we actually were there last year. We were the big, noisy, rowdy large table in the room next to yours. You guys were sort of quiet and reserved compared to us! :P

Now, back to work. I have to quilt my way free to go.

~~ see you soon, Eva

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LOL... I had to go back and edit that last post. I had so many winks, laughs and princess wave-smileys (okay, there aren't any of those, but I would have used them if there were) ...that I had to take some out. Otherwise you guys would have thought I was practising for the next nationally televised debate!

:P gotta laugh. Life is fun. See ya soon! ~~ Eva

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