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Innovations dinner meet-up

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Anyone needing directions or a ride to the Thursday night dinner, meet near the registration desk 6:30 or later. I will provide a shuttle to the restaurant if need be.

Wednesday and Thursday have rain predicted--hard to believe, huh? I will run the shuttle after dinner--especially for those staying at the Best Western since the Link won't be running so late.

Wear a purple or blue ribbon on your nametag--I will drop some ribbons off at the APQS booth for those who forget or who are already at their hotel.

See you all soon!

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It is sure going to be good to see all my friends again. Looking forward to dinner, now I gotta go and find a purple ribbon, ------ where did all my ribbons go???? ------- :o======= maybe a trip to find a swatch of purple left over binding at Beth's house?? LOLOL. Anyway, looking forward to some time away, lots of laughs, maybe learn some new tricks......Yippppeeeeeeeeeeee:cool:

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Hi Barb and all--the reception desk at the Convention Center is where we will meet before dinner.

And I will see Barb, Bekah, and Donnita in Diana Phillip's class at 10:30 Wednesday. We will be "Line Dancing" up a storm when we are done!!

If you can't find a ribbon, I will be dropping some off at the APQS booth after 2 pm on Wednesday--after the show and vendor mall open.

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