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Shhhhhhhhhhh I won a couple of ribbons!

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Yeah Sylvia!!

I had a sneaking suspician that you would ribbon in the show. We quilters are much harder on ourselves than the judges sometimes. We made the mistakes so we know what and where they are. The judges look at the overall quilt and don't knit pick it quite as closely as we do, usually anyway. Big shows between stiff competition I am sure there is alot of knitpicking that goes on. Don't really think I will have to deal with that issue for a long while yet.

I am so proud of you!! going to see your pics now!! Congratulations. Jeanne

Wow, and you think you can't quilt as well as me. I hate to tell you but that was way better than anything that I have done yet!! the one with the little 3d ribbon on it right. it is wonderful. Be PRoud for sure!! Love It JP

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I thought I felt an earthquake yesterday.....and it was only you doing the happy dance....knock it off, ya had me worried there for a minute. Earthquakes in NY are pretty rare, thought I was back in NV there for a minute.:P;):P

CONGRATS to you and your new bling.....

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Thank you ALL for your nice comments. It means so much to hear it from people you respect!!

Jolene, I do hope to see you tomorrow. I wish I knew what time you were going to be here. I have re-hurt my right shoulder and am on pain pills so I don't know if I will be at the convention center at all on Sat. I will be there on Sun. I work from 10 until 1 and then if I can hang I'll stay until take-down at 5:00. My cell number is 601-297-1500. Feel free to call me and if I can function on the meds I'll drive out to see you. I surely hope you enjoy the show! I met Nana and saw her parsels. Good vendors are there. I only wish there was an APQS machine there!

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