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One Tiny Wish

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As I read through these postings I've become familiar with a lot of names and posting styles of a lot of the people on here. One thing I do when I'm reading a post is always glance over to see where people live. Some people have their state posted but many do not. I sometimes wonder, do you live near me in MA. or are you on the other side of the country or even out of the country? I really wish any one reading this would consider going back to your registration page and add your location so everyone would know if you're a neighbor or not. It's especially nice when someone mentions an up coming show or posts about the weather. Just a small request.


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Hi Dianne!

Wish I had known you when we lived in Mass. I used to live in Dartmouth, Westboro, and Plymouth (but not all at the same time), and never found any quilters then.

We moved to South Carolina about 4 years ago and I found lots and lots of quilters here. Our quilt guild just had its 25th anniversary party last night. Imagine (many of) the same women gettting together every month for 25 years. Lots of stories and lives shared. it was a nice evening.

Happy quilting!

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Joanne, Mansfield MA. is half way between Boston and Providence, RI. If you look on a map it is where I95 and I495 intersect. Way east in MA. I was actually in your neck of the woods , in Troy, a few weeks ago visiting schools with my oldest son, a senior in HS. We were actually on the same campus that Heidi works at. For all I know I could have been in the same building. My kids say we were. With enough notice I can drive anywhere.

Sheryl, You're very welcome. I'm glad to see that others on this site agree with me. It's just nice to know who might be in your neck of the woods. I know that when Heidi or Bonnie post something about the weather, storm, downpours, etc. that it's only a matter of hours till I see that weather. If I see an event mentioned, I can then figure out, hmmm, can I get to it? Also just simple stuff, like Michele and I both living in a Mansfield. I had heard of her town and knew that our towns had get togethers but didn't know that someone from there was on this chat site. Maybe I'm just inquisitive.


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Actually I think we all should at least give our towns and state...its not like we are giving up our personal addresses and not all give out their phone numbers... I too like to know where everyone is...its like a game I guess.

Dianne, Joanne...lives in Glenville.... that is only about a good hour from Buffalo...she lives another 3-4 hours further north and west from Albany.

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Lynne, I'm so sorry that we never met up. Especially when you were in Plymouth. It's not that far from me. A good friend of mine lives there. Sometimes I go to dinner in Plymouth at Issacs. Ever been there? That town is really getting built up. Another friend of mine daughter goes to school in Dartmouth, I don't think that it's that far either. How long have you been in SC?

Joanne, I don't mind driving, but getting close to Buffalo is a bit of a stretch for me. That would be about 6-7 hours in each direction. I once worked on a farm out in Mayville, NY, south west corner of NY. How far is that from you?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow Antoinette, I can't believe someone on her lives about 15 minutes from me. I would love to get together for quilting sometime. I actually host a quilt group at my house twice a month. One morning and one evening. Usually the second Friday of the month in the morning from 10a to 2p and the fourth Friday of the month from 6:30p to 10:30p. Very casual, if you can stay all 4 hours great, if you can only spare an hour or two that's ok. I set up an ironing board, a cutting table with large matts, numerous rulers and rotary cutters. I put on a pot of coffee, hot water for tea, and usually have an assortment of cookies, danish, fruit or other snacks. You would just need to bring your sewing machine and a project to work on. The skill level varies from some of us that have made multiple quilts to newbies. Everyone is welcome. I will try to send you a U2U with my phone number, if it doesn't go through, I'm the only Brodin in Mansfield. I work insane hours so I'm sometimes a little difficult to reach, but I do have an answering machine. Hope to hear from you.

If there is anyone else within driving distance, you are also welcome to join in.


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Antoinette, Were you able to get my U2U? Sometimes I do something wrong and they don't go through. The next get together at my home is Nov. 14th, a Friday from 10a to about 2-2:30p. Hope you can join us.

Also I plan on going to the show in Nashua, N.H. on the 7th if you would like to ride along.


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Dianne, I'm just a bit computer illiterate. I don't seem to have your U2U but that doesn't mean it isn't there. So I looked up your phone number. We're closer than you think. I will call you this evening and if necessary leave my phone number as well. Sorry I can't make the 7th but do appreciate the offer.



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