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A Good Day For Quilting

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Janna...now that you are using Webshots....its the 425 pixal in the same area that I showed you when we loaded your mug shot.... brrrrrrrrrrr....I'm so not ready for it yet, so promise me that you will keep it there in Montana for a few more weeks okay. And then use the mountain icon on this page....when the next window opens paste the phone URL address to it and then hit okay your photo will jump into the forum box. Sent you a U2U.....

My dad was one who faithfully read the Farmers Almanac and the black and orange wooly catapillars, the smaller the orange stripe the less of winter we were going to have. WELL if the ol' man's even close to being right I'm in for a LONG AND HARD one...all the woolies that I have found so far this fall have almost no head or tail black color...their orange stripe is so wide that they are almost totally orange...and a few were. Not ready for this...I'm not ready for this AT ALL.

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Bonnie since you live in upstate NY you have to be used to the snowy weather! Maybe you need a southern home away from home for part of the winter! :)

Julie you sound just like my teacher friend, she loved snow days!

I loved them when my 4 kids were small if it was really nasty we'd have Pajama days, the kids & I would read, play games or watch videos. Picnic on the carpet. Those were the good ole' days! :D

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Originally posted by kimmiequilts

Bonnie since you live in upstate NY you have to be used to the snowy weather! Maybe you need a southern home away from home for part of the winter! :)

Just cuz I was raised in Snowy country....and now live in snowy country...Doesn't actually mean that I like it....after living in the desert for almost 20 years, I still have pretty thin blood. Although last year it was better, I was even able to go out and plow the 1/10th mile drive way with the snowblower....and had some fun, but still not really liking the cold, so you there can keep if for a bit longer. ;):P:cool:

As far as snow birding.....no I don't think I could live that life either. I have a sister that leaves Montana at the first sign of snow...so she should be heading out about now, and goes to Parker, AZ for the winter....

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Janna~that photo looks like a postcard, or a calendar page, or a QUILT! :)

Kimmie~ Tooko my first trip to PA in June. Visited the Lancaster area and saw LOTs of quilt shops! Mostly loved the little scooters...I wish I had one, but it probably wouldn't work, since my yard mostly looks like the photo above!


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The pictures are great!

Bonnie- We're here in Phoenix if you need a winter place to visit, it's in the 90s still here in October. Nights are 70s. Love it, but miss the autumn, changing leaves. etc.

Think of it this way, we won't get snow in Phoenix until the next ice age.:P:P:P:P

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Janna - oh it looks so beautiful there. I just love the snow and that scene is just dreamy. Have fun quilting. It does look like a perfect quilting day there :).

Kim - okay I am confused. Do you live in PA, or are you visiting here in Albuquerque??? We are having the international balloon fiesta here, which we have every year. When I got up this morning there were hundreds in the air. You got me all excited thinking that you might live here. Then dh said it looks like she is in PA. Then I looked at your avatar and there was water... definetly not here.. Very cool that you have balloons there too though, and of course dogs, balloons are so beautiful and dogs are just the best,ha ha...

Joann - Wow that is a great picture too. Ha ha your dogs seem so unconcerned.

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JoAnn, Love that photo! A buffalo roundup, how cool is that?

All the fall pictures are wonderful, we stay green all year, some trees lose their leaves but there's not much color to it. Grass stays green, too. We had 6" of snow on Christmas Eve several years ago and it had been 20 years since there had been any snow at all! After the snow melted we still had green grass! Your pic reminds me of Georgia in the fall, Bonnie, it's so pretty!

Welcome back Manda! Big hugs to ya!

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:) Roberta, I live in PA, Bucks County to be exact and yes the balloon was here. We get maybe 2 or 3 in the air around here nothing like the amazing flights you have out there! My Golden retreivers went crazy when they saw that huge balloon coming at them from above, it was too funny and very noisy!

The sunrise was over the Atlantic from Long Beach Island, NJ last June. My DH & I were there for a few days and it was just lovely. I love the beach, ocean, fall weather & snow as well as everything quilty!

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Hey Pamela, that could be it, the burner was loud enough for us to hear. My DH was working outside and head what sounded like a dragon roaring and it was this balloon--Daisy was looking right up at the balloon and barking her head off and hiding behind me. She is one big chicken dog!

The red head is Morgan she is 10+ and the blonde is Daisy, she'll be 6 next month. I love them to pieces.:)


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