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too weird

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Finally a chance to ck up on the site - Innovations and I am brain dead and having a wonderful time. Plus I have had to work on Miss Ribbit the last couple of nights before Amy leaves town - she is such a huge help!!! Her presentation for APQS maintenance was fantastic!!

The weird part of my post:

I went to webshots for a couple of people - including myself and it was too weird because my 2nd Asian quilt is being used in the advertisement section. On Linda Card's site it was superimposed on a mug, on my site it was something else. Too weird and I was so shocked. Has this happened to any of the rest of you?? Is what we post on their site open to their use in any way they want? I don't think I am upset, but it was a surprise to find my quilt some place where it really doesn't belong.

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OK, Meg, that is weird. I went to your site and saw my quilts for dec 2007 album on mouse pads and other stuff that webshots was trying to sell. I did not see your stuff, Meg, on anything, it was all my stuff. Odd.

So if you see my quilt on a mouse pad, can you buy that mousepad with a photo of my quilt on it without my permission? That doesn't seem right, like webshots is making money on other people's work. I can see them offering me a mug with my quilt on it because that would mean I would have knowledge of the use of my work.

Has anybody else seen this on their webshots site? Or is it just me and Meg.

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so if I understand this correctly - I see my stuff on everyone's webshots & you see your stuff - and from that I would guess that each person sees their own stuff on everyone else's webshots site. How weird is this - some one is doing some major computing............

As to the purchasing - I would guess that they offer the product for sale, you select one of your personal photos - which is what you are seeing when you go to the various webshots personal sites. It is weird............

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It doesn't seem fair, but I'm pretty sure that if something is posted without copyright it's public domain and free for anyone's use.

If you create something unique enough that you don't want it spread far and wide without your permission, you'd should copyright it and even then be careful where the pictures go!

And Meg, (and Linda) I think you should be upset. Someone is profiting from your creativity and art, and they're not even giving you credit, let alone money, for it.


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Maybe not. Linda only saw her items, I only saw my items. So somehow I think they have programed the advertisement items to relate to your personal log-on. When you log on - that somehow triggers the advertisement to pull up a personal photo to use in the advertisements you will see. I don't believe my personal photos will show up for anyone else. Their personal photos will show up for them. Makes sense........... why would I buy a mug with some one else's photo over a mug with my photo. I hope other people ck their webshots and tell us what they see to find out if what I am saying is correct. If it is not correct - they we should be upset.

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I know ebay has some kind of program to bring up things similar to stuff you've looked at as a home page, so it might be something like that. If it is, that's pretty cool! That kind of computer wizardry is beyond me though. It's almost like they're reading my mind, and THAT'S a scary thought...

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When I went to Meg and Linda's webshots, I saw my quilts in their advertisement too. It has to be an internal advertising thing. I don't think webshots would sell our pictures to anyone on anything. They are just showing you what your stuff would look like on their products. You have to admit it's a simple, but effective gimmick. I think it's funny that some of the views they chose of my quilts were NOT what I would have chosen--like the back side of a muslin where you can't:P see anything! ha ha:P:P

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It is just a marketing ploy. They want you to be intrigued by the thought of transfering one of your treasured photo to an object--after all, you went to all the trouble to load your favorite photos, so why not? It's like years ago when you had the baby portrait done and got the cheapie package deal, they would do a huge print of the nicest one and frame it beautifully--and then offer it to you at a "discount" price. If you didn't bite, they made sure to tell you what a shame, since they would have to throw the big print away. What parent could resist?--I couldn't!!

Since it is user-specific and no one else is offered your photos on a mug, there is no copyright issue. I am sure the legal department at webshots made sure of that!

Meg--I would love a mug with one of your quilts on it!! My birthday is in December!!:P:P:P

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HA! Wll I saw was just a plain mug until I logged in. Then it changed to one of the pictures from one of my albums....it was from the Houston show last year and was a pic I'd taken of the discription of one of the quilts I'd photographed. How funny! Looks like you have to be logged in to see it, and then you only see your stuff.

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I know that anyone can use a picture posted on the web. All you do is right click your mouse with the arrow over the picture, and you can save the picture on your own computer and use it any way you want. Or you can get the web address by right clicking, hitting properties and the address is there. If you wanted to use it somewhere else on the web.

I don't know the legalities of it or if it is right, but, like mrmargie said it is in the public domain.

I posted a picture of the first quilt I made on a yahoo! group forum a few years ago (it was done on a Janome and new joy frame) and I was surprised to later see my quilt on the newjoy webpage in there gallery . I have to admit I was a bit flattered but surprised that they could just grab it and use it.

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Well, I'm upset - yes, me the mostly calm person that I am......out of all the beautiful pictures that I have posted :D(LOLOL):D they picked the one of my hand showing the shredded fabric on one of the antique quilts that I finished last month. They could have picked a photo of just about anything else, but why would I want that picture on anything??? As a marketing ploy, they flunked on me..... OH, well, probably wouldn't be buying it anyways. - - - - - -:cool:

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Yes it is just a marketing ploy, which, by the sounds of it doesn't work too well.

Your images do not loose their copyright by being posted on the net. That remains with you unless you put them on a site where their terms and conditions say you give it to them. Also images on the web are not free for anyone to use. You do need to ask the site owner for permission before using them. Copyright is still implied unless specifically given up.


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