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Innovations debrief in Portland

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Hey everyone in the area, we're meeting at my house on Sunday, October 19, 2008. Starting at 10am, potluck lunch, and continue until whenever.

I think we won't have a formal "show and tell" session because there is a dishwasher and range hood in the living room, and the wall oven is in the entry way. Consequently, there isn't much room for people to all gather in one space. I'll be showing how to do curved piecing up in the sewing room on the second floor, and I'll leave a muslin sandwich on my girl for those who want to show what they learned on her. I'll leave the dogs locked outside, and DH will probably hide in the office. Sorry, but the cat makes his own rules.

Directions. From I205 south or north. Take the Glisan street exit, go west on Glisan. Down the hill, through the 82nd Ave light, and then 4 blocks. Turn left onto 78th (between City Blessing Church and Highland Christian Church), we are the 4th house on the left. Large, grey stucco with a sign that reads "Elizabeth Originals Custom Quilting" on the porch.

Looking forward to seeing everyone here, and learning lots of good things.

See you then!


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I hope to make it. Told Linda R that my DH will be returning from Asia Friday, we are having is 60th birthday dinner Saturday night and it all depends on how late Sat. night is. Really want to join all of you. I so enjoyed meeting everyone - we have a great group!!!

I really enjoyed my first Innovations. Just watching good quilters quilt really helped me - watching the pace - smooth and steady was fantastic for me. Have spent the day with SR and manual just doing c's, spirals, feathers - whatever - working on pace. It is surprising how much more relaxed you can get once a good pace is found. Plus the class with Amy was fantastic. My wheels are so much smoother as well as learning other things. Yeah!!:D Makes it much easier to go slow when I need to.

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I hope you are feeling better Beth. And I hope to see you Sunday.

I took a friend to Bayside today and as we were leaving, here came Barb from Hawaii up the sidewalk!! So nice to see her--she is so gracious and friendly. I loved seeing her again.

Get some rest and see you soon.

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1st and foremost is to make sure your table is totally level every whichway!!! Then, make sure that the width between the rails is exactly!!! the same all the way down the table. These 2 items are critical. I actually had to loosen the bolt on one cross cylinder and rotate the cylinder. My rails were about 1/16th inch wider at that point. By rotating the cylinder I was able to get rid of the extra 1/16th". Then you want to adjust the wheels on the table first. As Amy describes it, there should be about a fingernail (or the same depth/height from the throat plate of the hopping foot at it's lowest position = 2 business cards) between the upper part of the wheel and the rail. You could probably go just a very tiny more as long as both are the same, but I tried to follow Amy's directions - just don't go less. This keeps the wheels from having full contact with the rails and provides less drag. Make sure both wheels are adjusted the same. Once you have that, then you adjust the upper wheels to about the same. The top wheels are not as critical, but should not be fully riding on the upper carriage rails either. I adjusted mine to the same as the lower wheels. This has made a huge difference.

It is important to get down and really visually look at the wheels/rails from the side as if you are taking a picture and not rely on having those funny screws look the same like the manual tells us. There should be just a smidge of space between the top of the rail and the wheel when you look down the rail from the side with your eyes level with the rail.

Now, I just need to practice enough so that I am no longer a beginner and that is a feat in itself. The way Amy had me adjust my wheels makes it feel like my baby will no longer take off and actually my practicing was better today. It is smoother, and easier to control. Plus I can go slower when necessary without any drag.

Hope this helps. The maintenance class with Amy was worth its weight in gold!! She has a great personality and gives a great class - easy to understand and learn from!!

Amy - if you read this and can describe this better - please jump in!! Thank you for all your help!! :D:D

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I am so sorry I am going to miss this meeting. Grandson's birthday same weekend so we will be up north again in Sedro Wooly.

Innovations was great. AMY you rock. I learned so much and I can' sit still. want to go home and work on the girl again.

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Sure wish I could stay for another week to debrief with the MOXIE crowd.

Back atcha, Linda - I sooo enjoyed meeting up with all of you! A more gracious bunch - I could not have asked for more.

Just my two cents worth from Innovations - I took away something from every class (even though I was brain-dead by Saturday when Linda saw me meandering through Olympia for a Bayside Fix). The thread class with Dr. Bob was excellent and Sharon Tucker's "The Value of Samples" was sure inspiring!!!

Thank you, Linda for arranging the dinner and encouraging ALL of us!

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Just so that we are clear. EVERYONE is welcome. Just because you didn't make it to Innovations, or you don't drive an APQS or you have naturally curly hair, you are still invited!

I'll put the dogs in the back yard because not everyone loves them as much as I do, but we'll still have dander if you are allergic. Sorry for that.

Potluck please, and please excuse the state of the kitchen. You can all get a first hand view of it though!

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Wish I could have made it - between DH just returning from Asia on Friday & his 60th B-day party last night, today just wasn't a day for 6 hours of driving. DH has things he wants done and without saying in so many words - he really wanted me here today, so............. Hope all enjoy and big hugs to Patty Jo if she makes it.

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O, I am whining, but we are having humungous employee problems so I had to forego the meeting in favor of balancing the company books that have sat for TEN months with no entries, balancing, payroll, etc. Trying to reconstruct from bank statement re-prints because she won't give us (the owners) the financial records that she took HOME with her even after being told not to. We drove 45 miles to get them yesterday and she refused to answer the phone or tell us where she lives. When she finally answered she was screaming at him on the phone!! He is such a nice man, he stayed calm and reasonable and sweet, like his nature is. OMG. And Honey, bless his gentle soul, won't just fire her for insubordination or any other reason cuz he is afraid she will set us up for a lawsuit. (which I am sure she will) AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH. How can people be so unethical. And of course, this is AFTER she called the office while we were out on Friday and chatted with his ex (who works for him/us) and totally annihilated my character in front of the whole office, simply because he wanted his company financial records. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Ok. I am done ranting. I just needed to vent to ladies that would understand. I read Shana's inspirational post, I do believe God has a plan even in the middle of this very frustrating time. He has been my guiding force for so many years now, I always take a deep breath and wait for Him to show me the open doors. So here goes: DEEEEEEP BREATHE. Whew, I feel much better.


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Thanks Beth for opening your home and especially the "Tour". Your home is beautiful and loved all the talk. Thank you also for financial gifts that I received. DH & I both thank those of you who sent $$ to Linda R. May each of you be blessed greatly cause you have greatly blessed us. :)

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So sorry I missed today. My hubby has pneumonia and I have the flu, had to work all week even with it so my body decided today I wasnt' allowed out of bed. I am sorry to have missed the tour and seeing all my family again. Bet you all had fun

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