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My First Practice Piece

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I bought my used Millenium this summer and I finally got to a machine quilting class this weekend. So I came right home and put a practice piece on my machine and meandered it. I did it! I'm so excited to finally begin my new quilting adventure. The only problem I had was the bottom stitiching was off, while the top looked great. So I think my top tension was too loose. My question is how do I tighten the tension? Is it rightie tightie and lefty loosie like a screw is ? Another question I have for all you wonderful quilters - what designs would you recommend I practice with besides meandering? My third question is what quilting resources would you recommend ? (books, DVDs, etc. ) I want to get rolling. Thanks.

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Jan congrats on the new adventure!

Two beginner DVD's I found very very helpful are:

Machine Quilting for Beginners by Kim Brunner

Beginning Long Arm Quilting by Myrna Ficken

Both use a Millie in their videos, but any machine would have helpful information. Kim shows ruler work, Myrna shows Pantograph and Freehand. The great thing about videos for a beginner is you can watch them over and over. There is so much to take in when you start it is information overload, and replaying a video is great.

Both of these teachers are top quality. If you get Myrna's you will want her other DVD's too. So you may as well get them and save postage.


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Congratulations and welcome to the group! I got my Millie the beginning of July and have been PPP'ing. Sketch and practice!!! There is lots I can't do yet but it is slowing coming along. The DVD's are great and if you can make it to a show where you can take classes - go and take the classes. Just seeing other people longarm is so beneficial!! I am loving it. Can hardly wait to get better. Also, working with pantos has really helped me get the feel of the motion of the machine.

Good luck and have fun:D

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Congrats Jan & welcome to the family! PPP is the most important, keep checking your bottom tension as you are quilting to make sure it stays even! Any of DeLoa's books are great, Pajama quilter is wonderful and I love Linda Taylor's DVD's.

Use a white board on your lap to practice, it mimics the movement of the machine and helps you build muscle memory! Have fun and remember to breathe! :cool:

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Welcome Jan and congratulations!!. Yes get Myrna's DVD's. they are very very instructional and easy to follow and she just has a sweet way of teaching. The ppp on a white board is an absolute must and pantos also can be very helpful in practicing. Just go for it and have fun. remember to breath and don't hold your handles too tight. let us know how you are doing. and yes tighten your tension. You will think it is too tight but it won't be. I am the queen of bad tension so you can always give me a call.

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Welcome Jan and congratulations on your machine! All the recommendations above are good. I have Myrna's DVD's and the Pajama Quilter DVD, too. No machine yet ,but they work for practicing too! I also got Darlene Epps Pocket guides, they have lots of ideas to give you some direction to go with your practice.

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An echo here! Myrna is a wonderful teacher, and her DVDs are so good. I've had my Millie a little over a year, and I still get them out and (Hartley and Beginning) and watch segments from time to time. Not only is she a great teacher she's a terrific motivator! Enjoy....once you get the tension down (and it won't take long) you'll be sailing! Jane

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