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Help for our friend Patty Jo

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As you all know, dear Patty Jo is facing a huge challenge and several of us have decided to find a way for her friends here to contribute to easing her way a bit.

If you are able to make a monetary donation, I am happy to collect checks made out to Pat Noonan or you may make a check out to me--Linda Rech--and I will combine them all to present to Pat. She will be struggling with medical bills for a long time since much of Bill's treatments are not covered by insurance.

Realizing the tight financial situation in our country now, if you are not able to donate money, please send a card with your hopes for her. I will also collect these if you like so Patty Jo can read them as she feels a need to. She loves us all.

She is strong, but needs our help. Thank you all.

My mailing address is:

2713 Wiggins Rd.

Olympia, Wa 98501

email is lindarech@comcast.net if you have any questions or especially suggestions for helping Pat.

It is a wonder how this forum connects everyone to laugh and cry and to share the triumphs and the losses.

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I'm bringing this to the top again. I know that we have 2 efforts going on Project PJ. Contacts are Bonnie on the east coast and Linda Rech (ffq-lar) in the PNW.

Close your eyes and pretend that you are living Patty Jo's life. Then do what your heart tells you.

God bless you all with an extra measure for Bill and Patty Jo.

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We belong to the best "family" in the whole world and I know that we all will do whatever we can to help. Count me in right along with everyone else. Please know Patty Jo and Bill that we send prayers and whatever else we can with lots of love for both of you.

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Shana, you're right on target..quilter's are the best.

I don't know Patty Jo's situation but gather fromwhat'ss been written that it's been a long hard road and there are many miles to go.

I've been there several times as I'm sure many of you have as well. I'll keep them in my prayers.

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Today, at the Moxie Innovations revisited meeting at Beth's, Linda R left a nice card in my purse when my back was turned and I want to thank all of you represented in the check and cash that was in the card. Both Bill and I are humbled and grateful for your generous gift. There was another check there in a small gift that Beth gave to me also. I felt so loved and supported at the meeting. Thank you all for blessing us with your gifts. :cool:

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That's great to hear Linda, thanks for all you do!;)

We have a great support group & all I know is if I were in a time of need in my life this would be HUGE!

You are all so wonderful & thanks APQS for your sentiments as well!:)

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