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Another Question

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This is probably another DUH question but on my Millenium I have the bobbin winder and on the little shaft that the bobbin sits on to wind is a length of very skinny rubber tubing. I went to wind a number of bobbins today and realized that it had disappeared. Does anyone know where you can buy more of this?


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You can get the bobbin winder tubing from APQS, but if it's the only thing you need, the shipping and handling will be more than the cost of the tubing. Check out the thread at http://www.apqs.com/quiltboard/viewthread.php?tid=11560&page=1#pid110739 for other alternatives.

You might also check with your local APQS rep - he or she might have some to share - I know I keep it on hand, but I'm not close to home right now, so can't help out!

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Thanks Barb. I think I shall look around and see if I can get it up here. I did try the rubber band thing but I don't suggest it. It worked great until it came flying off the shaft and Hanna, my 12 pound dog, saw it rolling on the floor and took off with it!! I was petrified she was going to eat it but I did manage to get it off her with the offer of a treat!


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You are all so great. I shall try Petsmart as I have to go into Langley today or tomorrow. I need some Hobbs batting for a client. I will also put some painters tape on for the moment. I'm sure not trying the rubber band thingy again. Yikes!

Re the question about my winder. It is an on board winder and the bobbin just spins on the shaft if I don't have something for it to stick to.

I will let you all know how I fair.


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