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Can you take moment to give me some feedback?

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I added a new page to my website-any one who knows me knows that is not an easy thing for me to do:D. Anyway after much stress related to it-(Somehow a different page came up in LATIN and had a very hard time taking care of that) I like this new page and just want you all to take a minute to peruse it for me and let me know what you think!


then go to "Pattern Of The Month"

Thanks for looking!


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I have a suggestion Patty also. What about adding the size of the quilts below the name of them? I always like to know how big they are.

I have one more but it may just be my age.....I had a hard time reading the first part that you had in the purple. I had to get really close to my moniter. Like I said it may be just my age.....because I love your site and I love purple......I just had a hard time reading the black letters on the purple.

Otherwise I love your website.......it is easy to get around and find what you want.

Renae Gamel

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Patty, I don't know if you have made any of the uggested changes but I had no trouble looking at the site. No over-lapped buttons and I saw the size of the quilt. Some folks have their monitors set differently depending on the age and operating system of their computer. My system is pretty current and I did not have any difficulty with the colors either. Like I said, you may have already made some corrections.

Actually, I found the site easy to navigate. I hate going to cluttered sites where they try to put way too much info on a page. Your site (and new page) looks great to me.;)

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I like your site a lot. Not hard on the eyes.. the purple was a bit hard to read, but I just highlighted the box, and the print turned white, so I could read it easier. I read it when you first posted about it, so if it's been changed, that's why I'm referring back.

I agree with Roberta.. love the way things are linked together, if they might be needed.


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Patty, I like your use of color, and the way you have things "boxed out" and organized. It makes it easy to follow what you are reading, and has enough open space to not be cluttered. I do find the purple hard to focus on - not so much that there isn't enough contrast, just that it's hard to make my eyes stay on the print. I work in information technology and spend all day looking at a computer so my monitor is huge and good quality. I have a feeling it's just a harder color combination for more mature eyes. I am almost 50 and my eyes do get tired faster than they used to!

The problem someone mentioned about the links overlapping is a browser issue. In Internet Explorer it looks just fine. In Firefox (I'm on a Macintosh) the links all shift to the right a bit and overlap. I didn't try Safari, which is the default browser for Macs. You might want to see if a change in font will fix this. I've found that Verdana seems to be the best for cross platform applications.

I love the pattern of the month and will be checking to see what next month brings!


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I was thinking the same thing about the woodworking! My husband can build just about anything if I can show him a picture. I'd love to see what your DH has done.

By the way - my son's girlfriend just moved here from Bozeman and I have an Aunt and Uncle in Livingston Montana. I understand it is a beautiful place to live, especially if you are into outdoor sports!:cool:

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Thank you to all who took the time to look at my site and telling me what you thought! I will have DH bold the text in the purple boxes-He is at an autopsy tonite and tommorrow we have a football game to go to, but not for the footbal-DS is in Marching Band. I go only for the half time shows:):):) So DH will not be able to correct the site untill this weekend. I don't really understand the buttons overlapping on different computers???It is fine on ours so we will have to figure that out! Again Thank you for taking the time to help me out!

LoreW- when you visit your Aunt & Uncle in Livingston-look me up! They live just over the hill from us!!


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Patty - If you want to see your web page in Mozilla Firefox so you can fix the buttons you can download and install it on your computer. Go to www.mozilla.com for the free download. I promise it's not a bad thing to do to your computer, and it will let you check your web page format in another browser so you know it will look ok. Firefox is a cross platform browser (meaning that it works on a Mac or a Windows computer) and a lot of people use it. You can still use Internet Explorer as your default browser - just uncheck the box that says "Use Firefox as my default web browser" when you are using the install wizard. The box is at the bottom of the Setup Type screen.

Enjoy the half-time show! I spent years standing next to a creek in all kinds of weather watching whitewater slalom races, and now that my kids are grown I miss it!

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Hi Patty,

I'm in the process of constructing my website, so I was especially interested in your thread.

My browser is MSN, and all looked good. It looked exactly the same in IE. The purple didn't seem too dark to me, but the orange was definitely easier to read, so you might think about lightening to lavender inasmuch as so many persons commented upon it.

I'm using FrontPage, and it doesn't look like you did. I'm almost "ready to publish" and there are many questions I would like to ask you (or anyone else experienced in website construction) as I don't have a resident teacher. I'm strictly do it yourself, using two different college course textbooks two years after taking a FrontPage class, so much of which was forgotten. It was almost as if I were starting from scratch. The teacher has moved away, so I'm on my own. Your website is short and simple and neatly organized. Mine is going to be humongous.

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If there is a problem with overlapping words - - do you know about inserting text into a table instead of trying to organize things with tab stops and spaces? You can change the settings through the Table Dialogue Box so that the table lines won't show up in the final product, but that will prevent overlapping in any browser. Everything will stay where it is supposed to because the text or pictures can't jump out of the table cell.

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