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Another Freshman question probably already talked about

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Did you float your top? Meaning, did you pin your backer to the leader and then give yourself a few inches or so (of the backer) and pinned or stitched down the very top edge of the quilt top? If you pinned your top to the take up leader you will need to unpin and give yourself some space to quilt the top edge of the quilt top to the backer fabric (including batting)

When I get to the bottom of the quilt, I unpin the top from the leader (roll the leader up and out of the way) and do a stay stitch to the backer fabric. Then I go back and quilt the very bottom portion.

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I first stitch down the batting with my channel lock 2" from the top of the back. This stitching line is only about 1 1/2" from the edge of the batting. This creates a very straight line so that it is easy to square up the top of the quilt. Then I line the top up with the straight line of stitching I just did and stitch the top as close to the edge as possible. This helps keep the fabric from turning when running off the edge with a panto. The little extra work in setup saves tons of time later!!! - no rolled over fabric!!

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Sylvia, it would depend on how much extra backing you have. In this photo, you can see my backing basted to the canvas leader (has zippers), then about 5 inches down I basted the batting on with horizontal channel lock, then basted the top along that basting line. I stitched off the top and sides.

This particular backing was very large and I wanted the BF to cover without having to go back and add lines on the edges or top. Same at the bottom. This particular application was overkill, but I can use the extra for binding.

It's not a very good picture because of the first booboo, but I hope you get the idea. I'm going to post the finished quilt on another thread.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/51026226@N00/2967174375/" title="Booboo Corner by Nuts and Bolts Quilting Company, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3214/2967174375_fb5002e015.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Booboo Corner" /></a>

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Okay, I have it. I did as you all suggested and have about 1/2 the quilt done. It worked out fine. I set the stitch on the largers stitch and went across the top of the quilt top. Then down each side as far as I ccould. I did get out the square and square up the fabric on the backer so everything would remain straight. Thanks to all!!! I'll post a pic. later.

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