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You know it's going to happen some day. You hope it doesn't happen to you. BUT there is that cloud of doubt that hovers and you wonder just when it will happen.

I'm it.:( It happened finally. I bent/broke a needle. I have been having issues with this new program and I probably should have taken some action to have it checked. I kept putting it off and thinking the problem had disappeared. Sometimes when I do a single stitch to bring up the bobbin thread, my machine does a double stitch. It only happens in this CS program. Most of the time I use the original PS program and it never happens there.

This one spot on this quilt I used CS so I could insert a single rose to fill in around the script. It stitched out and when I brought the bobbin thread up, as I pushed the head away to grab the thread, the needle went down a second time and WOW--what a sound!:mad: I almost fainted thinking the quilt was torn. It made a tiny hole and tore three or four threads so it isn't what I would call a disaster. But the needle is sure wrecked.

Take care gals, and I hope it never happens to you.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/51026226@N00/2993897932/" title="bent needle site2 by Nuts and Bolts Quilting Company, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3252/2993897932_7c047917db.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="bent needle site2" /></a>

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I feel your pain!:P Be sure to check your timing before you continue stitching - you really DON'T want this to happen again!

And you're very lucky that you didn't damage your hook, which would put you out of "business" for the few days it takes to get a new one onsite and installed. Not fun..... Do check your hook for nicks and burrs - that needle hit something hard....

Good luck!

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Thanks guys,

You know, I checked everything and very slowly ran a few stitches off the quilt. I didn't see anything or hear anything that looked out of line. I think I am so used to yanking that head when I pull up that bobbin thread, that it probably didn't have time to go down into the raceway--it was the second delayed stitch that hit, and I think it just hit the platform. It sure could have been worse!

I'm back running again and it's doing fine.

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Another thought

I use Schmetz needles, size 18. They are big, but not the tempered like the kind for embroidery machines:). I hear people talk about those other brands that are stronger and better for high speed sewing. I guess I'm content with these whimpy needles that do a fine job of quilting. At least it bent and broke rather than doing more damage.:)

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Hi Nora, I have a Gammill Optimum plus with a Statler Stitcher. I don't want to make the SS sound bad. They just introduced a new version of their software this year and they have a few issues to fix. I don't know if this switch is going bad or if it IS the program. I haven't read of anyone else having the double stitch problem so I'm inclined to call Jack Monday and ask him.

It is a dream machine--don't get me wrong. I don't believe there is a machine on the market that doesn't have issues. I hope you find one for your machine that you're happy with. I love the freedom of doing E2E with the computer and changing to hand guided when I want to.

Oh, I could talk forever about this. Hope that answers some of your questions.

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