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Net neutrality

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Hi I don't want to be a woe cryer. But has anyone seen anything about this? There is a video on You tube. I did read a few other sites and it seems very real.

In 4 years We will have to pay for sites rather like television. Most small sites will just go down.

I sure would appreciate it if anyone knows about it. It seems like everything is already in motion to do this. Here is a site with You tube video.


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This conversation has been around in the "tech" world for a couple of years. The idea is that as some people start using more bandwidth for video streaming movies, they should pay more than the Grandmother who only wants to send an email to her grandchild.

But consider what has happened to long distance phone charges. Very few people pay long distance per call anymore. Net use fees are likely to go the same way.


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I am a Comcast user. Comcast issued a statement awhile back that said they were stopping anyone from using a certain amount of ban-width. Apparently some people sit online all day and download movies and songs. Comcast stated what their average customer used and then what the extreme folks used and I was shocked anyone could use the computer that much.

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We heard about this many years ago.. when I first started on the internet.. back in 2000 I think it was, or 2001. It was about the same time some one said they were going to start charging per email, just like snail mail.. probably in jest and someone pasted part of the statement into a new email and started the rumor. I've not heard about it since.. but can't say I blame the ISPs. Just thinking about it.. the culprits are probably downloading and copying and selling.. breaking copyright. making money on others hard work and time, and hogging the connections, etc. seems theres a law there somewhere.

Wish there were a way for us "normal" users to be identified.. and there is, OR, they'd not know how many hours, doing what, these others are doing with their downloads, etc.


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Hi all Thanks for the replies! Shana that particular you tube is posted on Thunderclouds videos which is what worries me. Thundercloud, for those that don't know, is from Cloud Eight premium information, stationery, technical tips, and checking out programs for spyware, etc. It is a highly respected site for it honesty and rare integrity on the net today.

That is not to say they couldn't ever be wrong.

But that is what so worries me. They do a lot of checking before raising flags.

This video says comcast roadrunner and others want to change things so where we buy a package. We can go to particular sites and if we go other sites we pay. This could hurt all but the largest sites. How could we afford to pay the prices to be a part of package. Or I suppose it could change the way we do things. LOL we could for a union of Long armers to pay the price.

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Have you checked with Snopes, see if they think it's true or not? you might be surprised how many of these, my niece is dieing of cancer.. my sis was in a bad accident, and no ins. etc. etc. etc... go right into the pocket of some greed sucker who has no sis, niece, etc and they make a darned good living, too. The nasty ones that is.


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Unless it comes directly (officially) from a government agency (like the FTC or FCC) and is blasted all across the national news, then I might believe it. As far as I am concerned, this is propaganda and it is false. About 99.999999999% of the spam emails I get are false. I don't even bother to open them up and read them. Straight in the trash can they go. Same goes with the rubbish one might find on You Tube.

Keep this in mind in the future: A legitimate source would never send you an email to notify you of changes to something important or impacting like this Internet thing. Same goes with your bank account or your credit card. You would receive important information via the US Postal mail from your bank.

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