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NQR - Catching up

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Gosh, I have missed you all!!

The night before I started my job on October 27th, I decided to "Go Green" - so I turned off my computer, printer, scanner....everything. When I came home from work the first day I came down to turn it on and nothing worked. Well, the computer anyway. My power supply had gone out. It took my stepsons over a week to get themselves together and come over and fix it. Finally!!

My job at Garmin is way too fun. I am still in training and will be for about 2 more weeks. GPS units are totally fascinating!! I know all about satillites and sonar and batteries and all kinds of technical stuff. The job probably won't be nearly as interesting as the training.

Just a little plug. Garmin wants to make sure thier customers are totally satisfied with their product and go the extra mile to do whatever they can. I am really glad to be a part of this company.

Now for the good stuff....

I have to post in two different messages....

Halloween (Friday night)


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Do you know what I mean when I use the term "Gerber Baby"? That first picture reminds me of the Gerber baby on the babyfood jars, etc. The cutest in the world!

Glad you are finding another happy place, Mary Beth. I have to say that I do miss you, but we're having fun...

I'm shutting down in a couple of weeks until the first of December. I think I will suffer withdrawal.

Thanks for checking in with us.

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Hey MB! So glad to know you are enjoying your new job.

That little one gets cuter n cuter! :)

Haylee in her KC Chiefs cheerleader outfit... I can imagine Haylee saying "Give me a Q!" "Give me an I!" "Give me a U ... L... T...!" "Give me a Quilt!" "Give me a Quilt!" Yaaaaayy Quilt!" "Go Longarmers! Yaaaaay Team!"

Loved the photos of Haylee's 1st birthday. Do you an "after" photo showing birthday cake smeared everywhere? That's my favorite kind of photo. I'd love to see the "after" shot of cute little Haylee before she got tossed in the bathtub. lol.:D

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Haylee's cheerleader face is hilarious! What a little cutie! Look at her poking that cake to pieces, how funny! Glad you like your job, MB, that's aways a good thing! They cut hours again at my job. They were worried about what was going to happen after the election, but are trying not to lay people off.

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Haylee doesn't eat "bad" things yet! So the cake was very strange to her. There are no pictures of her smearing it onto her face because she just thought it was icky :) There were about 15 people poised, ready to shoot with their cameras and she just wouldn't dig in.

I have not started the "real" phase of my job yet. That comes in about 2 weeks. Right now is class room stuff and quizzes. So far it is very fun....when we start taking calls and waiting for calls to come in, I may change my mind.

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Thanks for the halloween pics MB! As always, she's just adorable..and I NEED AN UPDATED PHOTO OF HER FOR MY QUILTING ROOM!"

I know you will "position" yourself right where you need to be at GARMIN. Since you love the gadgetey stuff, you'll be right at home!

Sure miss you on here...so DONT EVER UNPLUG THE PUTER EVER AGAIN! OK!!!

Quilted Hugs,

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MB she is just toooooo cute!! I could just kisssssss her to pieces. Those chubby cheeks are soooooooo kissable. Love the cake pic too.....wish she wanted to dig into that cake and get messy.....love those pics the best....:D

Glad to hear you are enjoying your training and shoot call me some evening or week-end. Sure would like to hear from you.

Renae Gamel

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MaryBeth - so good to see your little cutie pie in her KC Chiefs Cheerleaders outfit. She will be a good one and goot to get her started early! Yes it is hard to believe that she is already a year old. What a fun age. I'm going to be in the market for a GPS so that I don't get lost. So I'll be looking at your co's units. I sure miss you posting here. Even when I didn't have time to post, I would always get a chuckle or two from what you said. Take care and I agree with Sheri, don't ever turn your computer off again! :cool:

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I'm still trying to figure out what happen to 1975 and here Haylee is a year old already...where did this last few months go.... My mom always told me when I got older time would fly...but I don't think even she meant this fast.

She looked so cute for Goulie day.....what a cutie...and I can't get over her huge eyes....they will break every man's heart that gets close to her....

Although I need to ask...where are her pompoms....you can't cheer without those....:P;):P:P

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