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What to charge???

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I have always told friends that I do NOT quilt for others-that I like to do what I want and that does not happen when you quilt for others!! A very dear friend has found a way to talk me into doing her quilt:D Her logic was since I taught this class and she is a really good friend and since she wants me to do whatever I want and she would "of course pay me whatever she would the others"! Now we all do bend our rules for those we are fond of-I now need to know what to charge?!?!? Is there a set formula?- I tried to look it up under search and also went thru the starting your business threads to no avail. It was an easy quilt but the time involved was considerable-again we do a little more for our friends! I am taking it off the LA today then I will post a picture I am very happy with it-Sure hope she likes it!

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Base price for simple quilting is .015 per square inch. it goes up from there as high as .05si. you should have a minimum charge for small pieces. I do not load my machine for less than $50.00. Friend or family should be willing to cover your time. you can price that out as if you were working for someone else. ie $15. to $20 an hour. Then As Sharon says you can do the discount.

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Sewhappy...I don't quilt for others on my home machine either. So when a situation comes up and I decide to do someone elses quilt (which isn't often) I only charge for Batting and thread. I let them determine any additional amount they want to pay. Beings I'm not in business I donate 1/2 to Breast Cancer.

I won't do E2E, when I do a quilt at home I want it to be creative and fun.

I also let them know this is a one time deal, and for their future quilting needs I direct them to a shop nearby who does LA quilting.


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