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I apologise

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I must have missed something but I do not believe you would ever say anything meant in a nasty way. You are the nicest most thoughtful person. I love your sense of humor. :):):):)

Keep smilin.....


P.S. Could you please call me ASAP. It is urgent. Or email me. Or something. I need to talk to you.

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I don't think anyone here thought of you as the troublemaker on that thread.

It was solely started for the purpose of causing trouble and hurt by someone who hides behind his "wife who quilts", and doesn't have the guts to put any personal info out there. Kinda like a drive-by shooter.

You have never been that kind of person, and like Shana said, it was funny. Not mean.

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Beth you are a piece of sunshine to me today. Your apology made me smile! Well actually laugh. You are just too sweet girl! Seemed to me you were trying to fix something and here you go fixing it.

Did I mention I really love you today! I wish we had many more Beths in my world!

PS I hate this keyboard... so many typos LOL.

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Honestly Beth, I've had a big problem over my lifetime with stuff just flying out of my mouth! I have no idea these things are coming out and I just look around to see who really said them... so don't you worry honey! We love you and just forget it... this has been an extremely emotional time for many people. You probably just had the "vapors"!

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