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talk about a tease...

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Ok, so I decide to try my hand at quilting without the stitch regulator, since it is broken and the part is not coming until the first of the week. So I load a small practice piece off to the side and give it a try. It's not to bad. I need a lot more practice though. I'm not ready to try it on a quilt, especially my first customer quilt. About the 20th time I broke the thread, I got frustrated and gave up. Just for the heck of it, I hit the green button on the left handle. Low and behold I hear chirping. COOL! It's working again. So I get to work. All is going well for about 30 minutes, then, out of nowhere, no more chirping. :mad:. At this rate, the baby may be 2 by the time I get this thing done.

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Peggy - are you using zippers for your quilts. I have them and find them so!!!! handy. When I get stuck on a quilt and feel I need to practice, I just unzip and zip the practice on. Then I can just rezip my quilt when I feel I am ready and I am off and running. It allows me to get more practice without wasting time on loading/reloading. I pretty much keep a practice piece on zippers all the time.

Good luck on getting your baby going again. As you know, I already had to send mine in. They were great about getting her back right away!!

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I have to agree, zippers are so handy. I've got them on three quilts, two of which are very time consuming appliques. I find that sometimes I need a break from the very demanding ones, and it is such a pleasure to put something simple on.

I like Meg's idea of having a practice piece on hand too - attempt something different before doing it on the real thing! Could save a lot of frogging.

Sandra, I attach the zippers to the backing fabric only and load the quilt as per normal.

My silly question is, does anyone attach zippers to the sides, so that you can rotate the quilt?


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This is where I ordered mine:

The Quilting Connection

21 Adams Street

Elkhorn WI 53121

Phone: 262-723-6775

Fax: 262-723-7775

Can't remember what length I ordered - I called and told them how long my table was and it was that easy. I know other places carry them but the service was great here - they came in just a few days. They have every length you can imagine - it was not a special order - just one of the sizes they keep in stock.

I too, only attach the back to the zippers - I float my quilts. Just pin the quilt back to the zippers instead of the leaders - the zippers are attached to the leaders. No I have not added them to the sides but see this as a definite possibility if I knew I was going to turn the quilt. I have 3 sets on hand and 2 are always in use. I am so glad I got them.

Don't wait Peggy - they are great!!!!

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I love my zippers. I bought them from Sue but followed Darleen Epps tutorial. I had to take them off and re-align them. I had centred them to the centres marked on my canvas, but the backing fabric kept pulling to one side. After a lot of pulling and getting no where, I checked and my canvas had been put on the backing roller about 1 1/2inches to one side. I then squared my zippers to my take up roller and no more problems.

When my canvas rolls up it can not stay level on the ends, it seems a lot shorter at the end than where attached to the roller. It doesn't affect my quilt, just annoys me.

I haven't mentioned it to Sue as yet.

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I doubt anyone would like putting zippers on the sides of the quilt before it''s ready to turn. Remember all that bulk.. I have the zippers sewn to the leaders, then I sewed a leader to the other side.. then If I should pin, I don''t have the bulk of the zipper to go thru.. just the piece of poly/cotton sheeting..

I actually managed to finish a kids quilt last night that only had 1 1/2" excess fabric all around.. Now how I didn''t it, I''d really like to know. I did baste more than usual, before I started..

If you can''t get the right length zippers, I couldn''t find them.. you can cut the excess off and use a heavy thread on the domestic to zig zag in place across both sides of the teeth, with it zipped, then add a couple drops of magic glue to keep the threads strong.

Keep stitchin,

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Darlene, I really appreciate your directions. I confess that I bought zippers right after getting my Lenni, but the directions frustrated me and I have not put them on the canvas yet. What a wimp, huh! I'm going to get those babies out (if I can remember the very special spot where I decided to store them:P)

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Hi Sue

I went to the local Spotlight and bought 12 metres of heavy duty zipper length. I've just cut it into various lengths and put some glue on the ends to stop them unravelling.

They are working fine, except it is a bit of a fiddle when you first try to pull the zippers together. Am planning to attach some ribbon to the ends so that I've got something to hold on to.


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I bought 20 meters of 1 1/2inch wide gross grain from ebay and attached to my zippers before putting on. It is great and won't stretch. I then pin the quilt to the ribbon, I tried sewing with long stitches, but you still have to unpick. The pins hold well and you can still unzip.

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Just like Shana, I did the same thing and work wonderful. I did color code mine just a bit too. I always ended up getting the wrong ends attached so at each end that goes to the left I made a loop. For the bottom and take-up roller I made them one color and then did a lighter color for the quilt top. Now I don't have to think too hard when I'm getting my quilts loaded.

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This is how I did it. I used monofilament thread so it's not really showing up. I stitched the ribbon edge on to my zipper fabric edge using DSM. I posted another photo (see next post)

Adding this ribbon gives you more room to pin (or baste using DSM) on to the zipper. You can do what I did here and basted the quilt top and quilt back to the ribbon area. This way I don't need to use pins. Either pinning or basting quilt top or backer on to the ribbon is an option you decide/choose.

The brown fabric shown is my backer I basted on to the ribbon.


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