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Thank you ladies.

Deb let me know how it goes for you. I'm sure you will do great!!!!!!

I'm just getting impatient. I have been going back and forth on which other system I want for some time now. I wanted the Gammill as I love the larger throat size and I like doing decorator type work. Not sure I like the tension on Gammill. I keep getting different opinions on it. I like they have a large support group also.

I am very impressed with the Intelliquilter and it would allow me to just keep my Milli and not worry about another Machine upgrade. I can always keep my CQ on the Ultimate I so I would still have two computerized systems which is my goal. If I do choose Intelliquilter it would be the most affordable way to go because I would just be out the cost of the Computerized system and not another machine too.

I love my Milli and can't see myself ever getting rid of it but NEVER SO NEVER. I liked the control I got on the A1 for detail work and was most impressed with this machine. I have trouble getting the control I want on my Milli when doing very intricate work. Maybe I'm not doing something I should.

The newest features with all the systems is really great and each one has something I like.

I hope to have one soon after the first of the year. I can easily keep two machines running.

Deb best wishes at the show. Let me know how it goes.

Hugs to ya,


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Hi Ladies

Steve and I are back from our trip to Houston and will put up some photos of Quilt Studio that we took there.

Deb, I think its unlikely that Quilt Studio will be at Mancusso. The 'version' they brought to Houston was really the prototype as far as the hardware goes. They are making changes to streamline the hardware under the table - its going to be very neat under there.

Grammie, I'm sure you will love Quilt Studio. Its based on the Microsoft Visio programme so new features are more easily incorporated. Something else that I like about Quilt Studio is that it is APQS' very own software and a team of programmers are working on it, so if something were to happen to one of those guys (getting sick, going on holiday etc), there will be another programmer there to help out with any problems.

I think you have a 2007 Milli, and unfortunately it can't be retrofitted with Quilt Glide which is a shame because Quilt Glide gives the same feel that you noticed with the A1. Maybe you could work a deal with APQS to upgrade to a 2008 Milli with all its other great features - there is a terrific deal on 2008s right now.

Best wishes

Sue in australia

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If I had to purchase a completely NEW setup I would go with a larger throat. That would be the only reason I would go all out NEW.... If I keep my Milli I will have to choose a compatible system to add to it which is the most cost savings way to go. I can achieve what I need to with such a setup. My Millie is a 2005.

I will just have to see how much my SQUEAKY husband lets me get by with. lolol He's spending a fortune on my New Studio and so I'm being careful. lolol I cannot wait to see it finished.



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