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Tension Problems going different directions

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I'm hoping that there is a way to solve this ongoing problem with my Millennium. I understand that the machine likes best to go left to right and top to bottom (from the front), but I often get sporadic 'railroad tracks' top or bottom when going the 'wrong' way. If I adjust the tension to get rid of the tracks I get ugly loose stitches going the 'right' way. I have checked everything I know to do - top and bottom tensions, new needles, checked for burrs everywhere I can think of, visually checked for timing, cleaned, oiled etc., etc. She is a great machine, taking any thread I want to use, but this off and on problem is making me nuts!! I can't believe that the show quality quilters would put up with this, so, there must be a solution somewhere out there.

Thanks for letting me vent. I'd greatly appreciate any advice anyone could send my way.

Barb O'Melia

Crossroads Quilting

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Barb: I still think it is a matter of tension and getting the perfect spot for both the top and bottom tension.

When I got my Ult. I many years ago, I had the same problem. I remember calling Mark and he told me it was the tension and I didn't believe him but after messing with the tension, I finally figured out what the problem was and now I get it right.

I find that my bobbin tension has to be pretty loose and my top tension pretty tight . . just barely looser than the point where the top thread looks too thight, and I get a perfect stitch.

Have you read the tension topic over at Superior Threads? It's great and I'd recommend it if you haven't read it.

Good luck and . . it is NOT something you have to live with.

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I have been having the same problem. Judy is right about "just the right spot" for the tension. I also find that it is worse when I start going too fast for the speed of the machine... my stiches get a little longer and up pop the railroad tracks. It's just my machine's way of telling me to slow down or turn up the speed. :)

Best of Luck,


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Thanks Judy and Leslie

I'm sure you are right that it is a tension problem. I've have perfect tension in the past, but what puzzles (and frustrates) me so is that it happens after I've tested the stitch on a practice piece, all is great, then during the quilting, the tracks pop up again....nothing has been changed. It is mostly a problem using the SR. Maybe I do need to slow down when going in the 'wrong' direction!! I'll try that today.

Thanks again.

Barb O'Melia

Crossroads Quilting

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