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purchased used Discover today!

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Well, I finally did it! Brian made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I am so happy to be a part of this APQS family. No stitch regulator, but if I make sure never to try another machine with a stitch regulator, then I won't know what I am missing. Does anyone out there use a Discovery? I want you all to know this forum is one of the reasons I chose APQS.


Mimi Bleecker

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Welcome to the family, Mimi!

For so many years, SR wasn't even available. Many of our very best quilters learned that way. You are going to be far ahead of those of us that are tied to our SRs and afraid to let go.

Practice lots and enjoy it lots!

Happy Quilting!

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Hi Mimi, Congrats. and welcome aboard the apqs (chat board) forum..

I love the stitch regulator, and I had a sort of long arm before.. now I find I do as well without the stitch regulator as with it, in several areas..

LtL, or Lynne something to try is simple meander, with loops, with stars without the SR on, and I think you will find you do nearly as well as if you had it on. There are times I''m mighty glad I like it, and times I''m mighty Thankful I do have it. I use my machine both ways..

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Thanks for all of the kind words and warm welcome. I am looking forward to practicing. Tonite I was making a dress for my daughter and sewed the front yoke on backwards, had to seam rip and resew. Is learning a longarm similiar to learning to sew? Lots of mistakes, but that is the only way to learn how to do it well?

I remember making my first blazer, skirt and vest in Home Ec in the 70's; all of my cord fabric was running in different directions, the buttonholes looked like squirrels had chewed holes in the fabric, the teacher was not impressed, but damn, I was Proud!


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LOL your memories of Home Ec cracked me up! I took HomeEc cause I had to. I had learned to sew by the time I was 6 but didn't have a clue how to read a pattern because my mom never used the pattern instructions. The teacher hated me! I used to get in trouble for sewing too fast and on the 3rd warning she would put her hand on my machine and tell me to put it away! It would make me so mad. I didn't know how to sew slow. I made 4 projects and everybody else made 2 and she still tried to give me a 'B'. She finally gave me the 'A' after the other students complained saying that they hadn't earned their 'A'.

Learning on a longarm is somewhat like learning to sew. Just keep ppp and you will get it in no time! Don't be afraid to try new things. It won't look perfect at first but if you keep ppp'ing you will get there!

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My first machine was a Discovery and it is a very good machine - you will have so much fun on it. The only time I felt I needed a SR was doing ruler work. I upgraded just this year in February to a Lenni. I still do lots of stitching without the SR. You will learn how your machine flows and do just fine.

Lots of patience and practice will pay off!

Best of luck and welcome to our APQS family!


The Country Stitcher

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You upgraded just this year? You must have become very proficient w/o the regulator.

I went with the Discovery so I wouldn't have the feeling that I have to quilt immediately for a business to justify the machine cost. This way I have time to relax and learn for as long as I want.

I was raised Catholic and must go about things in this convoluted way. Plan on someday owning a MIllie, guilt free.


p.s. Has anyone ever noticed that guilt rhymes with quilt?

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Congratulations. I am very excited for you!

I was also one of those little home ec girls who already knew how to sew. I got my start sewing making marble bags for all the neighbor kids with my mom's remnant pieces and a shoestring for the drawstring. We loved playing marbles. Now that really must date me! Laura

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We all used and abused my Mom's Slant O' Matic. My brother made book bags and nose warmers one year for Christmas from old vinyl, we would hem our jeans, doll clothes, many, many dollhouse rugs and accessories, pet clothing, and she never said no! That old singer was a workhorse. I was so used to sewing with that machine I could barely stand the Touch and Sew's in the home ec classroom. I would smuggle my project home on the weekends to use the venerated family machine.

My Mom taught me how to oil and clean, adjust the tension for different fabrics and service the machine. I am looking forward to having a giant industrial machine to oil and troubleshoot.


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