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NQR- My poor little guy...

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Shana, Those are icing drops and the cake was really good. He's hoping a certain girl in his class will feel really sorry for him and give him a hug. He's had a crush on her since first grade.

Donna, He already thinks the wound looks neat and he got to see his appendix so he can tell the class all about it.

I will let him know that all of you are praying for him, that means a lot. I will also give him gentle hugs from all of you too.


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Does he know you took the picture with the surgical cap on? That should perk him up a bit, knowing all your quilty friends are praying for him and wishing him a speedy recovery! Is he the type that will say, "Aw mom, you shouldn't have."? One more year and you're "baby" will be a teenager. Tsk, Tsk, time passes too fast.

Let him know we're pulling for him.

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Sheryl, thanks for posting pictures of Daniel--what a cutie!

When you look at the birthday photo you can see that playful gleam in his eye and shadow of the man he will become. But the photo of him napping--there is the baby boy still there--long eyelashes, freckles, and those sweet pink cheeks!!!

Don't embarrass him by showing him this post--he has some aunties out here in love with him!

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Oh Linda R. I was just coming in to say the same thing.. eyelashes, angel kisses, and pink cheeks and so young, and then last week was really happy, devilment sparkling in the eyes.. and that BIG Smile!!!

Prayers for a happy, speedy recovery short on time, long on healing.

God Bless all ya..


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Aunties that's for sure.....and what a cutie. Send him over this direction, I have a 14 years GD on the couch, they can recover together...... Second thought on that, I can only handle just so much of Nick-At-Night and all the tween shows. Where did all the cartoons go. Those never get old.

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Bonnie, Daniel is a sci-fi geek. Anything scientific that kid loves it. When he went in for his CT scan they did a contrast and he saw the periodic symbol of the stuff and asked them if it was gladium (sp?) or something like that, anyway he was right and they just looked at him like how would you know that. He proceeded to tell them the atomic mass and all kinds of other stuff about it, they were impressed. The kid has studied the periodic table since first grade and can just about quote the whole thing along with the all the information. We did find Tom and Jerry on the TV and he would watch that since there wasn't any science show on at the time.

Praying for your GD for a speedy recovery and for you to get the rest needed to run for everything...;)

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