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Thread- How old is too old

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Often hear that if the thread is old it may break more. So the question is...how old is too old for thread?

Logically it would seem to me that the cotton threads might get "old" sooner as they are organic material. But, I don't know.

Does it matter if the thread is in the sealed plastic covering?

Or, do you just figure it is too old if it breaks continually when using?...but you would want to check the needle first before throwing out the thread, etc, etc.

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Holly if you take a piece say about 18 inches long...wrap it around each hand with a piece say 6 or so inches in the middle. Give it a sharp tug and if it snaps without ANY resistence its bad. You should have to pull on it really hard to get it to snap, but if it snaps with just a simple tug...it has gone south. And it needs to be used for something else. Mending, sometimes piecing if its not totally gone, but for a longarm or with another sewing machine with a fast powerful motor...it may be to weak to withstand the needle action.

100% cotton will turn faster than a poly or a poly blend....

Sometimes you can pull off enough layers to get below the bad section or the weaker threads.... I would do this test on several places before I determined it bad and throw it away.

Also sometimes if its not 100% solid, but yet its starting to go, by using Sewers Aid on it...that will revive it enough to get the job done. Also sometimes if you put it into the freezer for a day or so it will put enough moisture back into it to also get the job done.

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Originally posted by Susanne.Hughes

Must have something to do with the language differences:P

Lets hope so...I don't think I could stand on 5 inch stilletos any more... and I put my whip away when I quit the ranch...use to have a cattle whip.

The mental picture I have regarding this makes me really really laugh. There are some things that just shouldn't be seen in public and this would be one of those. I have been known to scare small children and men just run and hide.

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