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1.5" sashing on asian style quilt

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Hi all

I dont post really but enjoy reading and seeing all your pics.

coming to the experts for some help =)

I am working on an asian style customer quilt, have all the blocks done in sashiko patterns (ugh, never again!), but there are black 1.5" sashings, and I'm at a loss as to what to do with them?

Not much room to do much of anything but because they are stark plain black, I feel like it needs something...anyone have any ideas? be most appreciated.



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Thank you so very much Antoinette and Terri!

Both ideas look similar and I think I can do that freehand maybe making small registration marks to keep things even which will be

a real blessing since me and my ruler are tired of each other at this point lol

I really appreciate the time you both took to show me and explain, pics are awesome, thank you!

Off to get this thing finished up, thxs again ever so much. If I can figure out pic posting I'll try to post a pic when its finsihed, ahhh finished, sounding so good to me right now! lol


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Hi Carol

Not on this quilt no, the squares are embroidered so I had to do what seems like a bazillion stops and starts lol I complained loudly and frequently 'this is going to take forever' many times, but finally they are done so I guess forever has come =)

at the quiltuniversity website there are terrific directions using some rulers they have designed for continuous sashiko tho, really nice designs that I would have loved to use had this not been embroidered.


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