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Sorry, I just need to vent

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I just want to tell you girls that have APQS machines that you are so fortunate to have 24-7 backup. I own a Nolting and, of course, it went down Friday afternoon. There is no way to reach anyone at that company until Monday. I have 7 quilts waiting to be quilted and here I sit. I am so frustrated, you have no idea. Sorry... I just needed to tell someone how upset I am.l


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I'm sorry to hear about your grief today. Maybe you could post a message letting everyone know what the problem is and there could be a Nolting person on this chat that could help. Another suggestion is to go to http://www.mqresource.com and join their chat (it's free) there are some Nolting people there that might be able to help. Of course I don't want anyone to leave our chat completely....just go over there and see if someone can help....then come back here :)

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Or maybe another Nolting owner that reads this forum might have an idea that will help you...this forum has many longarm owners that own other types of machines other than the APQS ones. Give it a try, it couldn't hurt and besides you wo't be any more frustrated than you already are just sitting around without trying anything.

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Thank you all for the feedback. Here is the story, I had a quilt on the machine Friday, everything was fine, machine doing a wonderful job. I had to run some errands and shut it down. I was gone maybe 2 hours, came home went to the studio fired it up and the speed of the needle, when I was pulling the bobbin thread up was very slow, then it would jerk. When I tried to start quilting it would take several stitches then get so tight you could not pull the thread. When I could finally get the thread eased the bottom had tons of top thread twisted on the back of the quilt with large loops and etc. What we have tried so far is to clean the bobbin case, clean the bobbin mechanism( don't know what it is called. Loosed the tension top and bottom, tried a new bobbin, changed needles, completely rethreaded the machine and took the tension disk area completely apart and cleaned. Timing checked. So strange because nothing was changed from sewing beautifully Friday morning, took a break, turned back on and o dear. Don't know what else to do.


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Weird. Perhaps you missed a guide on top? Also check the spindle in the bobbin area; sometimes thread wraps around it and could be messing the bobbin assembly and tension. Do you use WD40 to clean it out? If so, I'd blow out the bobbin case super duper good (like for 5 minutes all around) and then give that baby a real good bath in WD 40 to clean her out.

Can you remove the needle plate to see down into the bobbin assy? If so, do that so you can blow out and squirt in there really good. I blow and squirt while the machine is running slow

I have a small air compressor and I really blow it out for at least a minute to make sure I get any fluff or specs of gunk out of there. Then I do a bunch of good long squirts of WD 40 really really good (like it's dripping and oozing out) let it drip out, wipe and then oil it. Purrs like a kitten and sounds so sweet!

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I am a Nolting Factory Authorized Repair Technician. I am very familiar with most of the Nolting machines. I have been repairing them for over 8 years. If you will give me a call here at our studio i will give try to help you. I would appreciate it if you call before 10 PM CST time. If you need to call Sunday please call in the afternoon. I do have an idea what you problem is.


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I am sorry, I did not mean to indicate that the APQS company was open 24/7. I was just so frustrated when I was typing that my mind must have had a senior moment.::(:( I really was talking about the support group and because most of the girls on this forum are APQS owners there is alot of support here. Sorry if I indicated something else. My DH is on the phone talking to John right now. I quilt and DH is so mechanically minded he can usually fix all problems. This one has had us both stumped. Will keep you informed.


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Saundra, I have a Nolting also. Have you ever gone to the Yahoo Nolting site? I have to admit that I spend most of my time over here because I love the organization of this site, but whenever I have had an issue with my machine, I ask for help on the Nolting site. If it's a weekend or after hours, there are some ladies over there that are very knowledgeable with the machines and you can even call them and they will walk you through whatever needs to be done. However, it sounds like you found some great help over here with John. :)

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Thank you all for the suggestions, I am up and running now. My DH worked about 3-4 this day and finally got me going. The problem had something to do with the hook assembly. He took it all out, sanded it with 600 grit sandpaper, retimed it, set the arm that holds the bobbin housing, and something worked. We still can not imagine why this problem happened. Itwas quilting fine, I cut it off for 2 hours, turned it back on and it was awful. Thanks again for allowing me to vent.


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