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NQR - "New" display case

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Man I need to start following you around...but then I can see us tugging on something that we both really want and it ripping in the center. NOW I HAVE A REALLY STUPID questions. Love the case, but what was it a show case for....Silk Ties?????? Not familar with the brand name.

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It is a thread display case from what I am told. I have tried to research it some and have found 2 others, but they were small - like for counter top display case. My DH's dad has it in his garage. When he came here to meet us a few weeks ago, I got a little carried away showing him my vintage sewing machines and talking to him about perfect stitches. Then he looked at all of our antiques and I told him who they came from and how special we think it is when we can say the pieces came from family. After Monte went hom he called DH and told him that he had something for us if we wanted it, if he could figure out how to ship it from California to KC without it getting broken. Then he sent me these pictures. Monte's dad was a collector and had a store in their town in Iowa, years and years ago. They think this spool cabinet is from the 1920's, but the 2 cabinets I have found were more from turn of the century. Whatever, I can't wait to get it.

I don't know what I am going to display in it. I just can't wait to get it and try to figure out what to do with it.

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Let me know on the top. I love vintage tops ya know...and that one was my favorite of all of them.

Just so you all know, I still have a couple of them left. One, someone said they wanted but I haven't heard from them again. Probably changed their mind, and that's okay.

Lee Ann,

This cabinet came from near Kalona, Iowa. They have the best stuff up there (that's were my DH came from ;)).

Yep, this is a treasure....

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Way ahead of you Beth...I'm actually in CA and MB could come visit me first. That way, I could have that beautiful piece in my house, albeit briefly, before we head up to your place for a visit!!

What do you think MB?? I have a horse you could ride--although you'd have to go out with my husband since the doc's parting words to me after post op were "no horse riding...yet." :P:P

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