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never trust a cat not to get a hairball!

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OK so I worked yesterday on piecing a tree skirt for my mother. I got it done at 9 last night. I had problems with my machine sewing but finally got it together. I am really happy with the fabric choices and had it nicely pressed and ready to go on the frame. I folded it in 1/4's and laid it on the edge of the couch. I forgot to go put it back in my studio when I headed to bed. This morning I got up, poured a cup of coffee and sat down. I look over on the edge of the couch and say oh darn I forgot to put that downstairs. I looked a little closer and my cat obviously had a major hairball because she had pucked all over it! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! I just got done washing it and now I'll have to repress it. Love my kitty but having a hard time letting her know that at the moment!

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Heidi -

I used to have a beautiful Mainecoon cat - they are long hairs - he would not only leave little dark balls of hair all around, but would frequently leave me huge hair balls he had regurgitated.

He did finally have to have a new home... I do miss him as he was so intensely loyal and loving. He also loved to bring me mice, baby squirrels, rodents of all kinds. As a longhair, he would get terrible fleas too - no matter if I gave him shots, bathed him, wore a collar, etc. AND he loved to slee_ on my _ink log cabin quilt! He would attack me if I wouldn't let him outside... or if I was gone for too long, he would bite my ankles to let me know I should be home with him! He just became very controlling! (kinda like a husband I no longer have!...

So, needless to say, though I miss the cuddling, I'm good without an animal at this time!

Good luck with your cat! They are always _art of the family. I just couldn't deal with it - oh and he would get u_ onto_ of the loaded quilts!!!!! or tear u_ the batting!!! ok, I'm done with my cat rant!!!

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I've walked into my long-arm area and found a 100 yards of thread going from one side to the other of a quilt, cones of thread all tore up. Glad see out of the kitten stage, but Polly was adorable as a kitten. Now she likes to bring home trophies and leave them in the living room. She needs to learn if she's going to leave gifts money works best :P:P:P....

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Jolene - yes I was very glad it wasn't a customer quilt but I never bring them upstairs unless they are in a bag.

Bobbi - my mom has a cat just like yours was. He is a monster! He weighs almost 25 lbs and he bites when he thinks you are getting into his territory and he loves to attack your feet. Mom thinks it is funny but I sure don't! He bit one of her friends one day, mom wasn't laughing then.

I don't think it was the hairball that caused her the problem although she does have very long hair. I think she had eaten her food too quickly. Ever since she was sick she has had problems with her digestion. In the last 2 weeks she has started eating everything in her bowl. She has never done that and she is 10 years old. I don't put more in though and make her wait until the next meal. It was a huge mess but I won't go into the details :P:P:P!

She is shedding so bad right now I just want to shave her! LOL not to worry you all I won't...just tempted! I keep telling her to hold onto her hair cause it is getting cold outside. This will be the last pet I plan on owning and I'll keep telling myself that! I love them so much but right now I just don't need more work.

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You just brought back memories of our old cat.....long hair and very mean-tempered. We couldn't brush her without ending up with arms full of scratches. We started taking her once a year to the vet to get shaved ( in the spring-time ) and boy, was she ever a lot smaller than we ever thought without all that hair!

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That is not fun when they do stuff to our quilts, when we are not looking. Kitties can do the darnest things. I don't let mine out, I always tell him he is an inside kitty and when the weather is cold I ask him if he isn't glad that he is an inside kitty. Most of the day, I can find him curled up under a quilt on my bed. Right now, I have my sons puppy and my kitty, HEY YOU is really getting tired of "IT". She loves to play and Hey is just not liking it. He finally started to hiss at her and slap at her. My son is very protective of his dog, so I took geat delight in calling him to tell him my cat just slapped the crap out of his dog. I wished I had a video camera, I sat and laughed til I had tears falling. Animals are such a gift, a bunch of work at times, but sooooo much fun and mine all have such great personalities. Enjoy your creatures...

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I have two kittys right now, and they are both very sweet, but one thinks I'm her kitten.

If I yell at a kid, or if the kid yells, or the vacuum runs, Yummy runs and jumps in my lap, on my back, or on the piece of furniture next to the vacuum, to make sure I'm okay. She thinks all customers come into the house just to see her or have her lay on their stuff.

She thinks all thread coming off a cone going up (like on the bobbin winder or the thread holder i use to run cones on the DSM) are for her to eat. I've found thread strung out of the studio and into another part of the house sometimes because it got caught on her,

but mostly because she ATE some of it then RAN THRU THE HOUSE!!!!! YUCK!!!!:(

I hope her thread habit doesn't kill her one day, but I'm prepared for it to happen. She's the most loving/coolest cat I've ever had, but not like any cat before her that's for sure.

My other little guy lays at your feet, well right on top of the tops of them, so you will pet him, but doesn't want you to pet him with your hands. Weirdo.

Here they are (the 6 yr old took these picture) Yummy, laying on batting on the DSM work table.


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Heidi, I feel your pain. I have 3 cats and no matter where I leave my work some cat feels the need to lie in that spot. The other night I woke up to one of my cats trying to gag up a fur ball while in the middle of my bed. I pushed him off the bed and onto the floor. Of course he then ran across the room and jumped onto a pile of fabric that I had pulled for a quilt that I was planning. He thought he was going to yap on my fabric. I had to bolt across the room and push him off of it. Maybe they think it's better to toss it on something soft.

Another time I had loaded a practice piece onto my machine, forgot to close the door to the room and when I went back in the room in the morning it looked like it had snowed. I had been practicing with some cheap poly batt, thank God, that had been totally shreaded. The culprit, same cat, was still in the room having a wing ding of a time. I swear he was grinnng. I won't even go into what happens if I leave cones of thread out in the open.


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MaryBeth yes it is disgusting...just be glad you didn't have to clean it up and I didn't post pictures :P:P:P:P:P:P!

Thanks all of you! Your stories make me feel like I'm not alone in this love/hate relationship! My cat doesn't normally get into my thread, only bobbins. She doesn't have her front nails anymore so she can't really shread much. She does find every quilt that is out to test and leave her fur on!

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Originally posted by DB

Heidi, I feel your pain. I have 3 cats and no matter where I leave my work some cat feels the need to lie in that spot. The other night I woke up to one of my cats trying to gag up a fur ball while in the middle of my bed. I pushed him off the bed and onto the floor. Of course he then ran across the room and jumped onto a pile of fabric that I had pulled for a quilt that I was planning. He thought he was going to yap on my fabric. I had to bolt across the room and push him off of it. Maybe they think it's better to toss it on something soft.

Another time I had loaded a practice piece onto my machine, forgot to close the door to the room and when I went back in the room in the morning it looked like it had snowed. I had been practicing with some cheap poly batt, thank God, that had been totally shreaded. The culprit, same cat, was still in the room having a wing ding of a time. I swear he was grinnng. I won't even go into what happens if I leave cones of thread out in the open.


This kitty would loose his tail if he lived here......;):P;)

Now keep in mind that I have a kitty that has lost her tail, but it wasn't due to getting into my quilty stuff....she lost her's in a hurricane. Pour little thing....but I keep telling her that if she doesn't knock things off she will loose the rest of her dignity, and she won't even have the stub to flip at me....:P:cool:

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I have a kitty who's currently in the "doghouse" - last night he chewed through yet another phone cord!:mad: You know, the curly kind that connects the handset to the base? I only figured it out when our son called last night - my DH answered in the other room, I picked up my phone in my office - I could hear them talking but no one could hear me.....

My kitty sits on my worktable next to my computer, and if he feels he's being ignored, he chews on the cord. I have beaten him with one of the already chewed ones (this makes three!), but evidently not strenuously enough!;) Guess there will be more beatings to come.....

This is the same kitty that learned to fly, right around the third time I found him on a loaded quilt. First time he got spanked, second time knocked to the ground, third time he hit the wall.... He doesn't do it anymore......

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Barb, they say cats have a concept of "acts of God". Like, if they jump on a cabinet and land on a stack of pans that then follow them to the floor in a hail of noise, they don't do it again. Where for dogs, everyday is a new day. :P They'll get up on the couch again and again if you are not home.

Now, the dog whisperer can probably fix it, but I haven't heard of a cat whisperer yet.

In lieu of one try a bit of tobasco on the phone cord. That's what it took to break some bad kitties I had who did the same thing (repeatedly). Cats taste hot/spicy where dog's apparently do not.You do have to rub it all over the cord. It took a bit of diligence to keep it covered in hot sauce, but once they all got it, they "got" it.

Good luck.

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Barb, speaking of chewing through cords...

The other day, I discovered that my beloved German shedding dog, Rika, chewed through the electrical cord on my treadmill exercise machine. Unfortunately (for me) it was not plugged in when she chewed into it. Otherwise, that little "shock" would have taught her a mighty big lesson...wouldn't it? Now the treadmill machine is destined to become a giant thing that sits in the corner in which to drape my quilts. Let's just say that now it's a fancy quilt rack.

Even worse, DH says he can fix the wiring and add a new plug for the outlet. Darn! That means no more excuses... I have to still exercise on it!

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Shana LOL you are funny. I was thinking wow that is one way to get out of exercising! I hate to exercise but I've been going to the gym for almost 4 weeks now at least 3 - 4 nights for up to an hour most nights. I was sick last week so I only did 40 minutes. Hubby usually meets me there. Well tonight when I left work it was already dark (4:30) and I was so talking myself out of going. Hubby calls to say he'll be leaving work in "about 5 minutes" and heading to the gym Well no way out now I gotta go. Yup I go and he never shows up!!!! I got suckered I think. He said he got tied up and didn't get out as planned! He owes me big time. I'll be happy in the morning when I step on the scales though!

Barb that kitty looks so innocent and lovey!

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I was going to the gym faithfully and hating every minute of it. I hurt my shoulder and blamed DH for trying to be my personal trainer and trying to turn me into a body builder :D:P:D (that one even cracked me up). Anyway, I have been out of the gym for about 8 months....yesterday I started to wear a belt with my jeans...this belt had an extra hole punched in it because it was too big for me before....I was stunned to find the ends of the belt just meet!!!:o:(:mad: What the heck happened?? Guess where I am headed?! Yep, it's back to the gym for me...no more excuses. Keep up the good work....it really does pay off!!

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Cats are hysterical... the videos of cats will make me die laughing.

ya know, after all the yuckky things and the destruction, not to mention litter box stench, I'm surprised that you all still have cats!

dh says cats are ok, but eventually, they're going to urinate on something he cares about, and that will be the end of the cat.

so, needless to say, we don't have one.

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