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530 am sky

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Only lasted about 10 minutes as daylight approached. I took the pic half asleep thru the screen window. I think it time for a new SLR camera. I find myself taking lots of pictures these days even if I'm not completely awake. lolol

Isn't that sky just beautiful. The color came thru the windows and woke me before the alarm. I love that.


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your picture is wonderful. You may not need a new camerea, only a new lense or filter. A UV filter will take out a lot of the haze and truly clean up the sunset/ sunrise (even some smog) from the photo. The are not expensive. Another great thing about a filter, is that it protects your main lense from scratches, etc. Much easier to replace a filter than a 250 lense.

I don't advocate any size / brand but here is a google search on filters, etc


almost turkey day

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