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Bill/Patty Jo for: Moxies

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Dear PattyJo~

Normal is good, fantastic,terrific. That just means you are ready for living......with positive loving family and friends surrounding you and supporting you.......normal is good.

Bill would want that for you just as you had together before cancer came into your lives. Normal is familiar and comforting. Best of days are coming to you. I just know it.

I'm sorry I'm unable to be there in person to hug you, but close your eyes and imagine all of us out here who love you and care about you. That's normal!

Love, Bonnie

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Bills ceremony was so beautiful today. The love that their family shares with each other and God was so very obvious!

Patty Jo, looked beautiful, she had sorrow and peace in her eyes at the same time, if you understand. Her faith to be welcomed to the table with Bill was there, and yet so was the sadness that she would have to wait a while for the feast! Their children were amazing, the love for their father was overwhelming. Having never met Bill (only Patty Jo) after today I am looking forward to meeting him in the next life!

Nancy Jo went with me, as she is staying with me for a few days. She is doing as well as expected. She is a very strong and amazing woman. She has great committment to her faith and she is finding that a great support! She has really appreciated all the support on the chat. She is going to get through this and back on her feet!

Please continue to pray for them both. And lets all try to make sure that we continue to make contact when the lonely times come. We all know that the sun still rises tomorrow, but for these two gals, they are going to need some "hellos" for more than just a day or two!

Just wanted to update all of you caring women and men. I hope Patty Jo and Nancy Jo don't mind. I just knew like me you were all praying for them.


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