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NQR wedding cake

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Oh my gosh! Are you going to get ordained and do the ceremony too? That cake is just beautiful!!! When my daughter got married the groom's family were "boat" people. They just loved to live on that boat. The grooms cake was an island surrounded by water with fish and boats filled with candy. The island cake was a copy of Ship Island and had a light house that lit up. It has a pier and sand and everything. Everyone was mouth-open when they viewed that baby. The brides cake was just a stack of gifts.

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Wow you girls are awesome and made my day. Wonder Woman...Hahaha Great for the echo though!

Shanna - there is no #4 that I know of...do you know of one that I forgot about? My stomach flopped a little I'm not going to lie! #6 - actually the beach theme is my son's wedding theme. My daughter is doing roses. Her new last name will be Rose. We are working on both weddings at the same time and LOL sometimes I have to just sit and regroup! Today we found part of the center pieces for my daughters wedding and at a great bargain. The are large, delicate wine glasses...pretty sure they would hold almost a whole bottle! LOL we're filling it with a 2" silver pillar candle. The glasses were $1.99 and the candle $1.69! What a great bargain. Gotta love the Christmas Tree shop! We also found envelopes for the Save the date magnets, which are just too cute. One of my Godchild's sisters is a graphic designer and she did a fantastic job! My future DIL found a few things for her wedding too so she is thrilled. Oh and instead of quilted table runners she just wants organza table runners...glad I have a serger! That will make for a very quick job!

I'm actually really enjoying the whole thing! I love doing stuff like this and wish I didn't have to work with all the engineers to make a real living. Do you think Martha wants an apprentice? She really doesn't sleep though so that just wouldn't work for me! We'll be adding more pictures of the wedding cake probably Friday or Sat. Thanks for all the ideas on the sand. I don't think I'll like the texture of cookies on cake for whatever reason it just doesn't sound appetizing to me. I may give it a go though! I'll definitely try the turbinado sugar. That might work if I grind it finer. Thanks for the ideas!

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Originally posted by Just Sew Simple

Oh my gosh! Are you going to get ordained and do the ceremony too?

LOL that is just too funny. OK she is having a problem with the church. She is Catholic and wanted to be married in the church where she went when she was a girl. Her mother is still a member there. The priest turned her down. She went to her priest and talked to him about it and he told her he would call the priest and she would have her wedding. Well now she has been told she can have the wedding there but has to find a priest to perform the ceremony because the priest there refuses to do it! I really have to bite my tongue on the whole thing because I know it is very important to her. It just makes me mad. So to help I will not go in the priesthood...LOL that is hysterical! Anybody out there got a great priest that want to come to NC on Memorial Day weekend?

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My daughter is getting married on Memorial day weekend also. I couldn't believe it when she came to my DH and I and told us she wants her brother to perform the ceramony on a beach. She found something in MA were you can get a one day temporary license to do it. At first I thought she was kidding, but I don't think so.

You are so much further along than we are in planning.

Just ordered a Mili and I'm expecting it next week. I'm hoping to be good enough to do some nice quilty things for the wedding before too long.

You are an inspiration.

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Mary Ann,

Where do you live? MA is only about 45 minutes from me. I'm in upstate NY. I haven't had to do too much for my sons wedding. I do whatever they ask. I'm doing the cake, cookie favors and runners. I thought the runners would be quilted but she has decided she just wants a shimmery piece of organza with a rolled edge...easy!!!! I was pretty excited about that. Their wedding quilt is started and it is a wholecloth. I have to do all the trapunto trimming and I hope to have it finished by Jan. My daughter will be married the week after labor day weekend so I need to get her stuff done too!

That is too funny about getting somebody a temporary license like that to marry somebody. My future DIL really wants to be married in a church but is ok if they get married on the beach. I think her mom would be devastated if she isn't married in a church. I just hope she finds a priest. That just is so odd to me that the priest of the church won't marry her. He is new to this church. I wonder if it would be appropriate to take out an ad in the paper looking for a Catholic Priest to perform the ceremony! LOL I can just see it now.

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Is it possible that her priest from her active church would go down to do the wedding? I know that the ministers in our denomination will travel to perform weddings for couples that they have known. We are a small denomination and so we have the advantage to know people in our other churches across the country as friends and many are related family and that does make it easier with more incentive.

What is the priest's reason to not do the wedding? Just because he doesn't know her or because he didn't do the counselling? Or are the couple from two different churches? Just have someone hogtie the local priest on your way down to the wedding, tell him he is free to go after the ceremony!!

I hope she finds someone that will make her ceremony meaningful for them both.

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Originally posted by Neher-in-law5

Is it possible that her priest from her active church would go down to do the wedding? I know that the ministers in our denomination will travel to perform weddings for couples that they have known. We are a small denomination and so we have the advantage to know people in our other churches across the country as friends and many are related family and that does make it easier with more incentive.

What is the priest's reason to not do the wedding? Just because he doesn't know her or because he didn't do the counselling? Or are the couple from two different churches? Just have someone hogtie the local priest on your way down to the wedding, tell him he is free to go after the ceremony!!

I hope she finds someone that will make her ceremony meaningful for them both.

So not being Catholic I thought that the priest in that parish would do the ceremony. This one says no he won't, it is a holiday weekend. OK I can buy that but don't you think he would give her a list of names of those that she could ask? He made her mom cry. He sounds like a miserable man and I'm glad he isn't performing the ceremony. Get this the church has to approve all flowers, including the wedding bouquet!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to be as neutral about it as I can because I know being married in this church is so important to her and her family but really I've almost bitten through my tongue!!!!! I trust the lord will work it all out and I have been doing a lot of praying about it.

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that whole things just sounds wrong to me. He sounds like he is a control freak. So what is wrong with a holiday weekend? That is when a lot of weddings happen, more guests have time to travel to get there. I think he just wants to escape himself and wants to throw his "priestly" weight around.

Does she have a former priest from her time there that would like to come back for the ceremony?

Shall we send you a box of gauze for your tongue, you might need it so you don't get spots on your quilts as you are working on them!!

BTW, I have used real flowers on wedding cakes before. I have used a layer of saran wrap under a spray of flowers so the icing is not damaged, and I have tied scrunched up tulle into "bath" poof style like the old kleenex or church bulletin flowers and tucked short stemmed full roses in between layers of the tulle.

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The guaze might really be needed! Oh I am trying so hard but the whole thing with the priest and the church makes me a little crazy. Both my son and she are military brats so we moved around a lot. Most of the Priests she had were on the base so they move around a lot too. Her mom went to the base Priest and he got her in tears too because he said no because her father wasn't on active duty any more! Now the kids didn't pick the lifestyle and her father served 30 years!!!!!! Oh yes I better stop now because I'm not thinking nice thoughts! The whole thing really gets me angry. I really want her to have the wedding she has dreamed of but the priest is out of control! I don't think God told him to make sure the flowers passed his test. OK so all of you need to pray for a fun loving priest that will make their day special. I have tried really hard not to tell my son what to do but after all this happened I did tell him if he switched to catholocism I would strangle him! I know they aren't all like that but I really don't think that is what God had intended. All of you Catholics out there I'm sorry...I really don't mean anything against you. My Godchild is Catholic and I respect their freedom to choose their religion.

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Heidi, I was baptised catholic and went through the catecism and first holy communion, etc. when I was a kid, but when we moved to Alaska, I didn't stick with it, so I don't know the standards for getting married in a catholic church, but I think my mom had to convert to catholiscm and she got married to my dad (who was raised catholic) and they were married in the catholic church, the preists probably desire to have both partners getting married as catholic and that their intentions are to raise their children catholic. That might be the reason these preists are saying no or hesitating. It's a catholic thing and nothing personal. I don't think a rabbi would marry a jew and a christian. The other partner has to convert to judiism first before rabbi will marry them. It's just one of those things.

PS: When my DH and I got married 16 years ago, we were about 30 years old, and we thought about elope or have a very small wedding. We chose the small wedding (about 20 people; mostly family) and we commissioned Andre's dad (my FIL) to marry us. It was PERFECT and so intimate and personal and small, sweet and lovely. Just exactly what I wanted as my wedding.

Now, don't ask me about the wedding night. It was something to remember, yes... but not for what you're thinking...(lol) that story is for an entirely different thread. LOL!:P I tell my DH each anniversary it's the wedding night I'll never forget.:D

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1.Today is mine and Mike's 34th wedding anniversary. We actually got married on the Wed before Thanksgiving in '74 and we still really like each other!

2. My son, a Southern Baptist, married a Catholic girl in 2005. He did not have to convert nor did they have to promise to raise their children Catholic. The Priest did his best to make everyone at the ceremony included and comfortable no mattern their denomination. It was a beautiful New Orleans wedding!

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I live about 40 minutes south of Boston. I was out in your area about two weeks ago for the APQS roadshow in Albany. Thats where I bought my Mili.

I hope your future DIL finds priest to marry them. My DH is Jewish and I was brought up Catholic so when we got married we took the easy way out and used a JP. There were just too many problems with both sides.

Your cake is beautiful. I think I like #1 best. My DD#2 wants to make the cake for my DD#1's wedding. Thank goodness for my Aunt that made my wedding cake 26 years ago, she has said she would mentor her. It will be interesting to see what they come up with.

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I was a Catholic church administrator for 12 years. Both parties do not need to be raised Catholic. However, there are "instruction" classes you have to attend. It sounds as tho the priest has prior plans and just doesn't want to do the wedding. It's hard to understand why some people can't be a little more flexible when a wedding is so important to the bridge and groom. The cakes are great. How about ground up vanilla wafers? They would be a lighter color of brown.

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The cakes are beautiful. I do cakes also but not as many as before I started quilting. I've never tried to make my own fondant, I would be afraid to try. The local store tells horror stories about homemade fondant. So, just how hard is it to make?;);)

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Here is the recipe I used and it tastes so much better than the box stuff. I will absolutely be using it for the wedding cake. We cut the cake tonight and it really held up great and tasted really good. I don't think it was at all hard to make. I am not a fan of fondant at all but this changes things for me. http://www.bakespace.com/recipes/detail/Rolled-Marshmallow-Fondant/13583/

Update on the cake - The bride has chosen option #1 modified slightly to accomodate 3 layers. We are not using the sand castle on top, it just didn't look good. The bride found a cute bride and groom she'll use instead. I actually think that will look better.

Oh and and update on the name of the Priest...get this, Mr. Smiley!!!!! Really! I think Mr. Grumpy would be more appropriate!

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Heidi...I am so going to miss the Christmas Tree Shop when I move.....there aren't any west of PA....and I have to say when I found it 4 years ago, I thought I died and went to heaven. I find such great things there...and was glad to see you found thing for Jen's table centers.

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Heidi, they did not take classes. They went to both a Catholic and Baptist counselor once each and that was it. I think the counselors just wanted to see if they could handle a mixed marriage. I don't know the priest's name or I would refer you, ha. If they want to change their location to NO I can hook you up!! Oh and Heidi, the wedding cake icing was traditional "birthday cake" icing with marshmallow creame mixed in.....ooooooo, good!

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do you remember the little books for kids about 20 years ago, Little Mr. and Little Miss books? My daughter loved them, (and just bought some for herself today). Some of the titles and charaters are Mr/Miss Smiley and Mr. Grumpy!! What names for me to read today.

What flavor cake are you making? I made boxes like a poppy seed cake with the extra oil and egg and instant pudding, but no poppy seeds. It sure makes a light but firm cake that stays moist. My chocolate recipe is one that has no solid shortening or eggs, but uses oil and vinegar. Another nice firm moist cake. The only two I really make.

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I had the same experience here with my almost DIL's priest at her mom's church. The wedding is April 18, 2009 and the priest wouldn't return her calls all summer and fall. She booked the church last January!

I was raised Catholic, don't practice it much now but did get married in my church with a Catholic priest and a minister, (DH was loosely Methodist). Long story short, I had mentioned having our priest friend, Fr. Mike at their wedding, he not only married us but baptised all of my 4 kids, but it fet uncomfortable with her family and her church so I didn't push the idea. 2 weeks ago she asked me to ask him if he could come and officiate, I e-mailed Fr. Mike and he answered immediately that he's love to but he has a wedding at his church at 3:00 could we move ours up to 11 AM so that he could do both. Yikes, her church only lets you get married at 1pm and the reception is at 4:30 so no way could we do that.

Her mom finally pinned her Monsegnior down, his answer was "as long as I'm still here I'll be there."

Now there's a priest with an attitude!

So not all Catholic churches are great but not all are bad it's the people running them! I think that the brides & grooms need to check out their churches policies & rules before setting the date, JMHO!

Also this church not only has them go to Pre Cana, which I think is a good thing, but a whole day about having children and not trying to prevent pregnancies! Very old time, old thinking, again IMHO.

DH & I married in Oct 1979, still going strong!

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