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38 pounder in the oven

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What bird! I made two 12 pounders. Filled the pan right up! Started off bad though. I was putting butter on top of the bird and let it slip in the over, smoke all over! Then opened the door to let the smoke out of the kitchen and my son's dog got out. Then I was piercing the sweet potatoes and stabbed my hand with the knife instead. I sure hope that was my three bads!

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Holy cow! I remembered this post last night after looking at mom's 23lb bird. I can't imagine how you could even lift something as big as yours!

Heidi are you okay? I've got bandaids on my grocery list, do I need to mail some to you too? I managed to do 3 minor cuts on myself while doing my prep. It's so hard to do handwork with bandaids on both hands!

Okay everyone, stay safe now!

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