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NQR sorta - - Downloading books

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I haven't done this myself, but I have a friend that can download audio books from the public library for free. I don't know how to do this, but she says it's easy, but of course your library has to make that accessable from the internet. You might want to check that out. :cool:

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I get books for my iPod from Audible. Very easy, and a lot cheaper than buying at Borders. If you do download books from the library over the internet, they may not work on an iPod -- I think iPod did this on purpose. They will, however, download to other types of MP3 players. You should check with your library about this before purchasing, if that is what you want to do.

I also get CD's from my library, and download them into iTunes. Then I am able to play them on the iPod. It does take quite a while to download them, and you need to figure out how to label them so the CD's play in order, but I still find it more convenient than to try to listen to them from a CD player. I listen to a lot of books on tape while quilting, exercising, and doing housework - hardly ever read anymore, as I fall asleep when I try!

Hope this helps!


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I download mine from netlibrary through my local library or Audible.com. I don't use an IPod because they didn't (don't know if this has changed recently) allow wma downloads which is what netlibrary uses. Since that service if free through my local library I use it most. I would check with your library and see if they participate in an onlne library that does ebooks and audiobooks and if they do look for an MP3 player that is compatible with it.

We do have an IPod (DH has one) and have used ITunes in the past also. I download from Audible if I am planning on putting in on my GPS for in the car which does not play wma.

Like Jill I also check out CDs from the library and rip them to Windows Media Player or the software I got with my MP3 player to listen on either my MP3 or GPS.

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I used to work at a public library and many libraries have free books that you can "check out" (Read download) for a limited time. After their due date, they will encrypt on your computer so that you can't access them. The program that they use here is called Overdrive. Usually, you have to go to www.overdrive.com or to your library's website and enter your library card number to download the files to your home PC. You can't do it directly to your iPod because the iPod uses the Apple format and Overdrive uses Microsoft. Anyway, once you have it on your home PC you can transfer it to your MP3 player. (Also, the files on your PC will encrypt after the due date, but not the ones on your iPod). It is much more economical that buying all those titles that you only listen to once. My husband does it all the time. I hope this helps.


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Because we drive across country from time to time, I do try to copy the CD's to another disc cause I don't like to leave the originals in a hot car for any length of time (Calif. & Arizona) I have found the whole thing will copy except maybe one disc and it won't be the first, it will be maybe the 5th out of 6 discs. These are discs that are my own, not library books. Have any of you found this problem???

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