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OK Shana, spill it!!

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I'm with the rest of them Shana, you dangled the carrot now it's time to spill! :D

When we left for the airport after our reception our friend drove thru a Hess gas station twice with the cans rattling behind the car, it was 1:00 AM when we got to Newark, NJ. He was out of gas in not a safe looking area! Boy was I nervous! We survived but it was something we will never forget and yet we haven't seen that friend for 30 years now!

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OK I had no idea y'all wanted to hear the story.

OK Long story short, here goes:

Because it was a very small wedding (20 people including me & DH) we decided to have our wedding and reception in the same place. It is a cute little furnished rental house that had a beautiful rock fire place, small kitchen, huge bathroom with gigantic party size jacuzzi bathtub and a cute little loft upstairs with a bed. Small but just the right size. The price was cheap (close to airport and downtown/convenient) so we booked it. DH and I checked it out a month or so before the wedding. So, I drive into town and meet my parents, my sisters, and everyone at the hotel they were staying at nearby. Then they drove me over to the little house to prepare for the wedding. DH was coming later in the day (snowmachining with his buddy). Anyway Nov 21 1992 was a snow storm. We got a pretty good dump of the white stuff.

Anywhoo, we commissioned my FIL to marry us. Everyone was there (including DH parents) except for DH. Andre was no where. This was before cell phones. I had a fire in the fireplace, Pacabel's Cannon and other chamber music was playing in my little CD player. Our cute little wedding cake with a bride troll and a groom troll on the top of the cake. Andre wanted the trolls. Why be normal, right? The groom troll had a tux and bright orange hair. The bride troll, of course, a wedding gown, veil, little rose bouquet and had pink hair. Perfect! But, No DH to be seen. The photographer arrived and was ready to snap photos. It's past the time we were supposed to get married and there we are all waiting...waiting...

Finally DH stumbles in all wet and soggy cuz he's late and it's snowing and his hair is a mess. He couldn't find the little house cuz he thought I would be driving my little blue truck and have it parked in the street (but I didn't drive my little truck to the house...it was at the hotel where my parents were staying). So the big dummy forgot where the house was. OK so he finds the house and he's there. Whew! :P He's all stressed out and embarrased. LOL. So I take him upstairs to the walk in closet where his tuxedo is waiting for him. I help get him dressed in his tux (I'm all ready and in my dress and veil). So he gets dressed except I can't fix his hair. He looked like that kid's hair Alphalfa from Our Gang; you know. It still was kinda messed up from the snow n all. But OK I'm marrying this guy come hell or high snowfall.

So, Andre's pop marries us in front of the big fireplace with the music. We say our vows, rings, and all is wonderful. We cut the cake with the little trolls on top. We break open the bottles of champagne, the hors' douvres and we change the classical music to rock & roll and we push the furniture to the edges of the living room and have a dancing party with everyone rocking & rolling. All is well. We had a blast.

So, now it's getting late and it's time for everyone to go home. My sister who was one of the last to leave, decides it would be very cool to fill up that jacuzzi tub for us and she told me she added some bubble bath to the water. So, Andre & I are there alone and we decide to have ourselves this little jacuzzi tub with the champagne glasses. I open the door to the bathroom and the entire (I mean entire) room is completely filled with bubbles! I couldn't see anything except bubbles everywhere. I think my sister dumped the whole bottle of bubble bath in there! So, we feel our way to the bathtub and climb in with our champagne glasses and we're sitting in there laughing cuz we can hardly see eachother. Then DH get's this look on his face and says "I'll be right back!" So he hops out and comes back minute later and hops back in. By this time the bubbles are getting under control, but several minutes later we start smelling smoke. We're coughing and hacking. DH jumps out and yells to me "I tossed some logs on the fire earlier and accidentally knocked the flue damper shut with a log or something!" So we both climb out the tub and there's a blazing fire inthe fireplace and smoke billowing out everywhere! The place was filled with smoke. All the mascara on my eyes is now dripping down my face. I don't know how he did it without burning himself, but DH is able to get his hand up inside the flue and through the fire and opens the damper. Whew! So there we are standing naked in this smoke filled little house. It's winter and snowing outside but we open every single window and door in the place to air it out.

I think after an hour or so, enough smoke was gone from that little house and we were so exhausted we just fell into bed and slept. The romance mood kinda wasn't there any more. Not much of a honeymoon night, eh? LOL! :P

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I too think it should be written down, the loooooonnngg version for the future family to read and chuckle over.

Hubby had to find me in a bubbly jacuzzi to get me out.. I really didn't know not to use bubble bath in them, so poured in half the pack the motel "gave"us after charging $10.00 extra to get a room with a bath tub.

I didn't tell them.. pity the next people who used it and fired up all those bubbles left in the pipes to come to live.. lol.. I like your story better.... can visualize it quite easily. Thanks for sharing.


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Shana oh that is so funny! Thanks for sharing.

I had a similar experience with our jacuzzi tub. We had moved in our new beautiful home and the one thing that I loved most about this house was that it had a huge bathroom and a jacuzzi tub. Well finally after unpacking and getting moved in I decided to try out the new tub with a nice bubble bath. Put on candles climbed in as the water was filling and then turned on the jets. Well I opened my eyes when I felt something tickle my chin. Bubbles everywhere! I just started laughing and I really felt like a little kid. It was great. Not so fun to clean up though! Since it was spilling over on my new floor I wasn't too happy about that.

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My wedding story also involves a jacuzzi. DH and I also had a very small wedding in what is now our home (was then my home). My kids (4), my dh's father, my mom, the organist, a flute player (both friends of mine) and the minister. Wedding went well. Halfway through the reception, my dh disappears. I looked around and found him half asleep on my bed. He said he was very sick. (Found out 2 weeks later, when he ended up in the ER, that it was gall bladder.) I thought it was probably just nerves, as he was 47 and had never been married and granted, my kids were all grown, but still it is a big jump from being a bachelor to suddenly having a big family.

DH insisted that we go on our honeymoon, said he hadn't done all this planning to not go. Went to b&b in small town north of here for the night and then the next morning left for an island in Canada (west coast). Got there and found that the advertised "romantic get away" had about a million kids running around all over the place. Turns out it was spring break in British Columbia. We checked in as we thought we had a cabin and figured that we would be secluded from all this. Well, turns out they overbooked the cabins and we were in a building with 11 other units and a basketball hoop right outside our door! We left for some dinner hoping things would have settled down when we got back.

Dinner. Walk on the beach. Back to unit. DH went out to get firewood. I filled the jacuzzi. It looked so inviting, I decided to get in. Switch was a ways away from the jacuzzi, so I turned it on before I got in, thank goodness. Water sprayed all over the room. It only didn't hit the kitchen, where our luggage was on the table and me, who was near the luggage. The bed got soaked within the seconds it took me to react and turn off the switch.

DH came back and said that was it. We were getting our money back and going somewhere else. Manager offered us a plastic sheet!!

We got them to credit the credit card and left. Then DH says where do we go now!!! It was about midnight by this time. I remembered a Holiday Inn on the road when we went to dinner, so we ended up there! DH was mortified as he had really planned this wonderful honeymoon and it wasn't turning out anything like what he had planned.:P

We could only laugh, 'cause what else are you going to do?!

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