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OK Shana, spill it!!

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I think my plastic sheet story would best be told via U2U... But at the risk of a bunch of TMI's I will say that it involved chocolate syrup, maraschino cherries, and a whole lot of "yuck"'s and "ick"'s from Margie.

It was not terribly successful, but you have to be creative and try imaginative things once in a while, right?


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A real cowboy is up for anything!

Kenna, you never know what effect you might have if you met him at the door in a saran wrap outfit...

Of course, I know some cowboys who would say, "How you gonna fix my supper in that get-up?"

Or, Bonnie, you might try biscuits and gravy instead of cool whip....:P:P:P

MB, I'd ask about your jacuzzi experience, but I figure we can make one up for you. Like: You're up in the attic looking for your box of cool whip, when you step between the joists and fall through the sheet-rock and land with a splash into the hot tub...


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Oh, Mrmargie....he's real all right....raised on a cattle ranch in Montana...still has his bowed legs.

And you may be on a good thing with the....Biscuits and gravy...he'd be all over that....but ya know it just doesn't draw the same picture...:cool::cool:

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Must be these Texas cowboys, huh? Or the phony ones that we call Kuhboys. (As in that movie, Urpping Kahboy). Yep that's it, need to weed out those Kuhboys.

But then my grandfather was a cowboy, and met my grandmother when she worked at a boarding house in Oklahoma, my Mom is #3 out of 7 kids.....maybe it's not the cowboy thing, huh?

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Kenna-babe, don't give up on cowboys. My grampa was a cowboy, a really truly honest to goodness cowboy. He ran a cattle ranch in Montana (which is still in the family). After graduating from college in the 1920's, he was an electrial engineer with a young family but after his dad got ill with RA, he had to go back home to run the the ranch the rest of his life. My grampa lived there until he was 89 when he died from cancer. He was a real gentleman. Devastatingly handsome, too. :) So, Kenny don't give on the cowboys.

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Kenna....maybe its the area that the cowboys are raised in that make them different....my Cowboy and Shana's Grandaddy Cowboy are from the same area....only about 60 miles from each other so maybe that's the secret.

And maybe the other part of the secret is that our Montana cowboys are left overs from the ones that left Texas in the 1860's for greener pastures and never went back home.....maybe you just need to go north a bit to find a good one, and since Montana is usually the last state to get anything new...JUST MAYBE they haven't had time to evolve into the jerks that you seem to find down there.:P;):P

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MrM, My friend Red (81 years old) keeps trying to get me in his jacuzzi tub, I just tell him it's gonna cost him a Quilting machine!

Ok, making a list,

Saran Wrap

Move to Montana

Warm Cool Whip & plastic sheets

No bubbles in the jacuzzi

Eureka Springs

Buy the dress, (none of my old ones would fit)

Research Shana nad Bonnie's family trees

Try the biscuits and gravy....

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:P;):P I think your list is a good one...and if I think of anything more I will be sure to share it.

BUT weren't you the one who several years ago offered to quilt naked if said person would buy you a quilting machine......maybe if you just throw in some whipped cream...it would be a done deal.;):P

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I have a dress....only worn once ;) It worked for me....and if you decide to buy a dress....buy the dress - then tell the guy - then kind of pop the question yourself without trying to sound desperate - the go to Eureka Springs or somewhere similar where weddings are performed by anyone anytime :D

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Kenna, you don't really need a husband. I assure you, we're terribly overrated - well... some of us are anyway.

I think Red might be missing out on the bargain of the year there, but I'm not sure that's legal in Texas... Maybe in Nevada :o

I was just thinking that I don't have to pay to get Margie in my hottub, or to see her quilt naked, but wait a minute! I did buy her a long arm... I bought her TWO long arms. Maybe I need to reevaluate this deal... I think she needs to use a lot more saran wrap and whipped cream...


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See, that's the problem! I still refuse to quilt naked and unmarried at the same time! Besides I keep telling him that quilting naked requires a Longarm and he's not going for that so we are at a stand off. I think we are at opposite ends of the morality meter. :D:D

....but maybe if I made him some biscuits and gravy....

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