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Really need help!!!with pics

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Hi All. I need your expert advice on this top. This is a customer quilt and she wants complete custom. She has decided she wants wool batting. It is for her daughter and will be in her living room. I'm having a really tough time deciding on what to do to make that outside star to pop, it is the dark purple. I'm going to outline the green & rose triangle area 1/4" and then fill with diagonal cross hatching. I have a stencil that fits perfectly. The purple star points is what I'm having a really hard time deciding on what to do. I want to make that star pop. I think had she not used the rose color and just kept them all green it would be prettier but I'm guessing the pattern called for it or something. She really wants feathers on it. I'm going to fill the blocks with various feather designs and SID. In the off-white area I'll do some kind of feather with a hook design but those star points have me stumped. The are at a very odd angle!

Any help is very appreciated!


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I love your ideas, they seem to pull everything together, because quite honestly I did not care for the quilt until I saw your ideas added on, it seemed disjointed, but your crosshatching just compliment it. Be sure to post the real thing when you are finished. :)

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Heidi, even after you highlighted it, it still took me several minutes to find it.. No, it's not the prettiest it could be. The one block I like, but not where it is, is the very bottom right one, seems way too small compared to the others. I really don't much like her use of different colored triangles around the edge and the two red ones, all else green on the outer edge.. I'd like that more balanced..

After really seeing it.. I say it's your call. LOL.. cop out big time, huh?

You will do it justice.


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OK now I see!!!

Heidi, comparing Holly's link to your customer's quilt photo on top, it looks like the customer actually did mix it up and misplaced the purple and the green outer setting triangles incorrectly in several areas of the quilt. Yikes!:o

Would it be best for you to mention this to your customer so she can fix this before you quilt? You could politely mention it to her and ask what she'd like to do.... I think using the lighter purple (or the green) in all of the outer triangles (the ones pointing out) would look best and leave the darker purple for the inner blocks where the triangle form a large ohio star. JMHO.

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I couldn't agree with you more but it is what she intended actually. If you look she moved the block placement around. She wanted the 4 applique blocks in each of the corners. I honestly didn't see the big star until she told me about it. If you look even in the link that holly sent there are still 2 different color triangles in the outside border and there doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. That would drive me crazy! To each his own. I think had she got with the green for all the triangles it would look a lot prettier and the ohio star would pop more.

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