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Wedding Stories

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I'm another with years of marriage but no proposal as such. We had planned to go see my folks one night after work. His brother was to pick me up and take me to hubby's house 20 miles away. At the time I should have been dropped of at the house I finally called hubby's sister-in-law to see if the brother had shown up yet. He had, so he had to go over to hubby's and tell him that I had been forgotten. (Hubby had no phone in the house yet).

Hubby took his tater tot hotdish out of the oven, put in the fridge, and came to get me. He took me to a drive-in for a burger (could have just brought the hotdish!!) Afterward, I asked what we were going to do since it was too late to go work on the car at my folks place. He asked if I wanted to go to the mall. We started at one end and walked completely through the entire place and turned around. He said: "There isn't much out here is there?" (There were 70 stores).

My response was: "It depends on what you are looking for."

"Oh, I thought we might get a ring for that finger." We went back to where we started and found one we liked and went out to see his folks.

Since he was waiting for his dad to come upstairs before telling both parents, I was reading the paper and forgetting that the ring would show on my hand, until his mom said "I spy!"

That was end of August. We were married in February. I was to be at the church for pictures at 1:00, we drove past the clock at the bank at 1:15. Mom had me cutting up fruit for the fruit salad for the reception that morning. I ran into the church, with my dress, ripped the rollers out of my hair, put the dress on and went for pictures. While taking them, I thought the tuxes looked different, no one had the tie on. Hubby said they couldn't find any with the tux. Then one picture we needed to squeeze together for the shot and something was digging in my hip. We found the ties in the jacket pockets. So half of our pictures are without ties and half have ties.

It will be 32 years in February, I tell him he doesnt' have an option, he's the one that "asked" and there are no returns! We enjoy it.

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Wow, my wedding story is downright boring compared to those doooozies above. Only one funny thing happened, but I didn't find out about it until we got back from our honeymoon a week later.

Our wedding was September 1995 in Seattle, Washington in a Victorian mansion on the water -- so very prim and proper. I wore a very nice white wedding dress, the groom in a handsome gray tuxedo, etc. Flowers everywhere. No one got too drunk, out of control -- so in a word, BORING. Then, honeymoon in Orlando, had fun yadda yadda yadda. Get back from Orlando and get the first of many phone calls, how was the honeymoon, fun fun fun, oh and by the way, I didn't want to tell you this, so don't get upset but.... I saw your SIL naked at your wedding. WHAT!!!! Yes, then another call, another call, you get the picture. Apparently, she had this wrap dress that was just being held closed with one place to tie it shut and it had apparently become untied while she was walking down this grand staircase and everyone coming up the stairs saw her naked because she wasn't wearing anything underneath it (and I mean nadda nothing not even a thong)! And, she had lots of tatoos, so they saw those too.

Ahem. Anyway, her marriage ended to my brother and my marriage ended with that husband. I say better luck next time.

Take care,

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I'm not sure what you are actually refering to, but are you asking about the number under our pictures.....that number ups one each time we post...and if we go to another thread, and post again it goes up again...but you bounce between threads it shows the same number on each thread. Mary Beth is still in the 5000's someplace and I'm someplace in the 3000's, but even if I went back to the very first posting that I did a zillion years ago..it would still show the number of today....

As I said I'm not sure what you are asking here so I may very well be totally all wet, and talking about something that is totally not were you were going.

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Oh Bonnie, you are right on. I thought way back before MB went to work for Garmin, there was a thread where she and Shana and others were just trying to increase their number of posts, and we were all getting in on the action. The numbers were increasing by the second---or at least that was my impression.

Kimmiequilts made mention of MB trying to increase her post numbers. That's why I brought up the subject-- when I went back to read the numbers and saw they were not increasing.

Sorry for the sidetracked topic. I'll pay closer attention next time.

It's been fun reading these stories. Thanks to all.

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Just to set the record straight...I was not trying to boost my numbers :) "They" (I can't remember who all and don't want to leave anyone out) were trying to catch up to my posting number. It is not my desire to be known as the chatter with the largest number. Just so everyone understands ;)

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Here's a quick one for you guys....I got married 2 weeks after graduating High School to a man who was almost 12 years older than me...we were set up by my Mom, who now wonders what was she thinking, but anyway....he and my Dad were in the same Air National Guard Unit, so he must have been a good guy, right? We dated for almost a year before we got engaged and set the date for the following June....

We got married on the hottest day of the year in '91 in Dysart, IA (don't blink, you'll miss it!! ;)), in a church with no A/C, had our reception in the town's Community Building, also without A/C (should have gotten the clue then, huh)....left the next day for a week's honeymoon in Ely, MN...on the way there, the temp dropped 40 degrees, and it proceeded to rain for the next 4 days straight! The day we decided to give up and head for home, the sun came out!

Anyhoo...as you may have already guessed, we divorced after almost 13 years of marriage (unlucky number for me!), and we get along much better now that we are apart! The only good thing out of our marriage is my son, and that in itself makes it all worth while!!!!:)

Live and learn....

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dh and I dated for four years before we got married... I wanted to be sure! ( Too many toads in my dating history to want to rush into anything!)

The first time he kind of indicated "we should get married or something", I said, "welll, um.. you have a house payment, two car payments, a truck payment, a camper payment and a student loan. (living the American Dream! lol!) and a deadbeat roommate that doesn't pay you any rent. I have a jeep that's paid for, a Bronco that's paid for, a savings account and a dog. Now, if we get married, your debt becomes my debt, so I would want to get married because....???????!" (dave ramsay would be proud! lol!)

well, he kinda stood there with a funny look on his face... but, he went home and told the roomie that he needed some rent money, and the roomie immediately moved out and back in with his folks! lol! To my dh's credit, he sat down and got busy with those bills and he cleaned them all up! In a matter of several months, he got them all paid off but the house. It showed real diligence for the guy that was head of the he-man woman hater's club and owned the clubhouse! lol!

He never did really propose. He was working out of town at the time, and he came home one weekend, and we were running errands. Well, there's this little square "lump" in his shirt pocket. We were out all day, and he finally says, "Well, I've been trying to wait for a perfect time, but, well, HERE." and he handed me the box. It was a loose diamond, because he wanted me to pick my own setting for it.

We stopped at my house, where my mom and her dgf were having coffee, and I said, "do you want to see what M. gave me?" and I handed mom the box, and she pulls out this diamond in this little plastic bag and looks at it...then at me, and dh is just standing there, grinning. Then, her dgf said, "Let me see!" so she handed it to her, at which point the dgf reaches into her cavernous handbag, rummages around and pulls out a JEWELER's LOOP! puts it to her eye and proceeds to examine this diamond! ROFLOL!!

the look on dh's face was priceless...his chin really was on his chest! lol!

she finally said, "It's a nice one, Sammi" and he breathed a sigh of relief! lol!

So, we picked a date, for his family to be there it had to be before their summer business season, so I said, April or October? April. Ok, what date? He said, the 19th sounds good. (April 19~the shot heard round the world, Oklahoma city bombing, Waco, texas... and our wedding! lol!) we figured that out later!

We started to try to make plans, which was interesting with him several hundred miles away most of the time. During all this, I said, " Vegas... we could just run down and then maybe have a party later...??" He said emphatically, NO. He had been married, briefly, justice of the peace, and he said, "No way, I did that the first time and It didn't 'take! This time I want to do it in front of God and EVERYBODY!".....so, it turned into a regular wedding, the hall, the pastor, and then...dh said, "I want music and stompin' and kids running around and beer!" I said, "well you can't have beer unless we have food", so it turned into a little bit bigger event! We did it on a very tight budget. I shopped for the clothes for his lads and my bridesmaids, the gown (which is another story) and i did all the flowers and decorations. The guys wore ivory shirts, black velvet vests, black jeans and boots and the girls wore simple princess-seamed, fit and flare style dresses.

It was the BEST party! We had a blast!

I'm not sure exactly how many people were there, maybe 100 or so, and his mom made meatballs, tater salad, and we had rolls, meats, cheeses and etc. We had singing and dancing and the kids doing karaoke and the macarena, a Bagpiper and the whole nine yards! The groomsmen and my mother tapped the KEG before the wedding!

There were some whispers about something happening to the cake, but I never did get the full skinny on that....and it really didn't matter once it was cut. oh, and we had three VERY pregnant women there, the pastor's wife, my sil and dh's sister...all due any second! I was sure we were going to have a 'special delivery!" lol!

Before the wedding, which was scheduled at 4:30, and of course, was late, I had total meltdown in the ladies room! I was CRYING and overwhelmed and Everyone was saying "tisk tisk, she's got the jitters! cold feet!" Then, my mom showed up... and she said, "Have you eaten anything?!" (she knows me! lol!) Well, no, I didn't have anything to eat since the night before, and I had low blood sugar! They poked a half a sandwich in my face and I was fine! lol!

During the reception, when we did the garter thing, The karaoke dj got on the microphone and called all the guys around. Dh went to lift my skirt and he got a really big surprise..the butt end of a pistol grip! lol! My uncle and I had stuck a loaded Derringer into my boot! Dh saw it and at first, he was shocked, then he just threw his head back and started laughing... The dj said, "Holy S#1*! She's got a GUN in her BOOT!" It was hysterical!

I pulled it out, handed it back to my uncle and said, "Well, he went through with it, I guess we won't be needing this anymore!" lol! dh says "he knew at that moment, there was only one way he was leaving there...married or feet first!... and he knows I'm a darn good shot!" LOL!

Much later that night, we finally kicked the last two diehard partiers out of the hall, because we wanted to lock it up and go home!

Dh carried me over the threshold of his house, It was nearly two am, and both of us were STARVING...all that food at the reception and there was no food in the house! we shared two pieces of cold, frozen pizza.

My hair was really LONG... I had it done in really long ringlets, they went all the way to my bum. And, you know those beautiful gowns with all the buttons down the back? During the day, with all the turning around and dancing and etc, all those lovely ringlets got tangled around and around all those buttons! I couldn't get out of the dress! my poor dh had to sit there for over an hour, picking out all the hair from around those buttons, one strand at a time! (I was lucky he was patient!) Then, I realized in all the hubub, no one had packed me a bag, so I didn't have a change of clothes, no night gown, no frou-frou, no toothbrush, nuttin! So much for all the frillies I got at the bridal shower! It didn't really matter much, we were both so exhausted, we just collapsed and slept! I slept in one of hubby's t-shirts!

He's definitely a keeper. I realize more and more every day how lucky I am!


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My DH and I got married on Friday Jan.13, 1995. We had both been married before and I said I would never get married again. We dated for a year and broke up for a year but remained friends.

I had a good job and a nice car and a house so I realy didn't need a man, but Terry had medical insurance and I didn't, so I called him and told him I was ready to get married for the insurance. He thought I was kidding about the marrage cause I had turned him down 30 or 40 times in that first year. long story short I convinced him I wasn't joking and we became engaged over Thanksgiving.

( My family were all making bets that I wouldn't got through with it) Looking for a date we said either friday the 13 or Halloween would do and January had a friday the 13. It turned out to be 65* in Ohio that day, We went to the mayors office and found 20 people I worked with were there to watch use get married. They talked the mayor into taking us to the gazbo across the street at Lake Anna to marry us. We have been together for almost 14 years. I tell everyone I married him for insurance and he tells everyone he married me for my money. The money is gone but I still have insurance.


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The courtship/wedding not as eventful as some here. Den and I met in 1970. Moved in together and eventually bought a house together. (No one should be shocked--we were 60's kids!) Fast forward to 1979 and I am pregnant--how did that happen!!?? We got married at the courthouse with family and friends there--I was 6 months along with a huge soon-to-be 10 pound boy and I'm in a bright red maternity dress. The judge kept asking Dennis if he was sure he wanted to go through with it! All very funny! My Dad kept saying I was the most beautiful pregnant bride he had ever seen--except for all my other female relatives--again, very funny!! Had a nice cake and snacks reception at home with me the only one who couldn't have some wine!

To this day Dennis will introduce me to new people as his first wife Linda!:P:P:P

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The preacher showed up to the church and announced that my to-be-husband was seen leaving town....

Little did he know, DH was heading to the car wash with his brother and to pack more items for the honeymoon.

He did make it on time, barely. We got married with nearly the whole town in attendance, all of our friends anyways.

We honeymooned at a cabin 20 miles out of town..took both our dogs - blue heelers...they got into our groceries that we left outside (it was January in high mountains of Nevada after all).

The flies came alive in this cabin from the heat of the woodstove. Nearly drove us out of the cabin.

Friends gave us a Monopoly game...so we would have something to do. Uhm...never played.

We hiked, made snow angels and explored the mountains where we call home today.

Sad part--my inlaws came to the cabin to inform us that my father had died suddenly 3 days after our wedding. I last saw him at the wedding. We were very close. DH and I flew to New Orleans and buried my father. My family there held a little reception for us after the funeral. Mom was good with that as we all were exhausted and needed something to lift our spirits.

We have been married for nearly 13 years and have 7 wonderful children together. I only wish Dad and kids could have met.

Marriage is probably the hardest job we will ever have...but well worth it. We are best friends, co-workers and I couldn't ask for better.

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My First Wedding was January 20,1966.. It was 28 degrees below zero, that is with out the wind chill. After the reception we had to call a tow truck to get all the cars jump starter, my maid of honor's father's car frozen up the radiator, it was a brand new car. Getting to the hotel on our wedding night, the hotel room door was frozen shut they had to get maintence to open the door, all the while we were standing outside in the freezing weather. PS That marriage was for ever frozen. LOL, My second wedding was June 20, 1997... Beautiful day, and it was a outside wedding. And there is lots of warmth in my marriage to this great hubby!

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Gene some times introduces me as his 20th birthday present..... the guy that I had been dating in high school, broke up with me the night before Gene's birthday...I was really upset (shouldn't have been now looking back on it) and Gene sort of appointed himself as my babysitter. After spending the weekend with me and my family he went back to the ranch where he worked, which also happened to be ex boyfriends home and at the breakfast table he asked Gene how he liked his birthday present.

So I tell Gene that he can't re-gift or throw away presents.

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