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Nancy Jo--how are you?

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I was thinking the same thing and if I don't hear from her on this chat....NANCY JO YA ARE GOING TO GET A CALL. Don't make your mother call you......we mom's get noisy and want to know all about it and we just carrrrrrrrry on and on and on....and then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P;):P;)

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Guys, today is going to be a HUGE day for honey. I am as OK as can be expected. Love all my friends. Bev, thank you so much for the support at the funeral. I know it was Patty's day for support, but having you, Jimmy, Linda A, and Brenda Lee there helped me too.

I pray for God's blessings on all of you today.


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I've been thinking about you and Patty Jo alot also. You are both in my prayers but I have also been wondering how you are both doing emotionally. Keeping busy and staying around postive thinking people are very good things to do for times like this, so friends like us are the best ;). I hope something or someone can make you laugh every day.......it sure make life look a little bit better.

Renae Gamel

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One of my quilting buds always refers to her ex as "The @sshole". I usually crack up every time she says it. She was a wonderful sense of humor.

Remember the Cybill Sheppard show where Christine Baranski's character always referred to her ex as "Doctor Dick"? Funny show.

I have a lot of names I could think of but would probably get kicked off the site for listing them. :P

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You rock Nancy! You are my hero, I'm bowing low, then jumping up and waving my arms. :D:D Giant, very loud WOOHOOS for you! I say "Not the Honey" would be good. How about "Bottom Feeder"? :P I have several that would get me kicked off here for sure, so I'll just keep them to myself and think them! :cool:

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Ladies, let's just let it go. I rule for now. maybe not later but for now I feel pretty good. Justice has been served and now we go forward not backwards. Honey dipper pond scum can go forward without the best thing that ever happened to him.

Love you all


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NancyJo - Yes girl you do ROCK BIG TIME.... Nancy, when we talk, I gotta know how you pulled that one off!!! Sounds like you got a really good attorney. Just keep going, one foot down, next foot down, and walk your way thru this.

Renae - You are a sweetheart and I'm doing as ok as possible. I had to go to the funeral home this morning, and do some more paperwork. Have an appointment with SSA next wed. I put the quilt on the machine that my friend frogged for me, changed from King Tut to SoFine and fiddled with my tension until it is "Perfect". Now I hope that I didn't jinx myself by saying that. I hope to finish that quilt tomorrow.

This afternoon, I went to the Green Show (crafts & garden show) in Salem with another quilty friend. Made a good contact and may have a new customer. Tonight, I'm having dinner with some friends. DH and I used to have dinner with them just about every Friday night, either here or at their home. Tonight it's at their home. All these "Firsts" are hard, learning to live without him, but I'm determined to live the life that I have without fears - maybe some tears, but no fears. So, I'll take the tissue box with me!! Boy, I sound like a ball of fun don't I? Oh well, these folks will understand, just as you guys would. Thanks for asking Renae.

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Originally posted by nineva

Y'all are my best friends. You gotta know. Honey dipper Pond scum got his today. I own the company. SIgned, sealed and delivered. Yes, I ROCK......



Well I must have slept though this part....WOW...you do rock, now onward and upward. Its a good day in the neighborhood that is for SURE. Congrats....and best wishes for the future.

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Patty Jo you are a very strong person but strong people cry too. It doesn't hurt or matter to friends if you cry......they understand and will let you.......hold you and listen to you. That is what we are here for. The FIRST for everything after a loved one is gone is the hardest to deal with but somehow we do it. How we do it is not easy but friends understand. We love you and care very much about you and I want to do what ever I can for you. So if you need a broad should and an ear to listen just call me. You are in my prayers.

Renae Gamel

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