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How many started quilt projects do you have going?

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Since I was elbow deep in my stash tubs yesterday I took stock in the various started quilt projects that I have. I counted 5 different charity quilts and 3 of my personal quilt projects (1 of which are new Christmas stockings for the family, so far I have the names machine embroidered on the cuff fabric but nothing else done on it...every year for the past 3 years I tell myself this will be the year I get them done, still hasn't happen :( ). Another is a red and white paper pieced snowflake quilt that someone did in blues and white last year and posted here which is 1/3 of the way done that I started Nov. 2007 for my DSIL which is now my X-DSIL (they got divorced this past spring) was suppose to be a gift last Christmas but ended up giving her something else instead because it didn't get finished...wonder if I will ever get it done now.

I need to make a new years resolution for 2009 to get these projects at least to the quilting stage. After all this past year I did managed to get a queen sized raffle quilt done along with 1 Queen sized and 4 twin sized bed quilts pieced and quilted for my kids. The problem is that it's more exciting to start a new project than to tackle the old ones :(

How about the rest of you, how many quilt projects do you have going right now and how many of them do you intend to finish in 2009?

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I am afraid to count my unfinished projects, but I have 15 tops to quilt. I haven't been terming them as unfinished project because I was trying to get a bunch done before I bought my APQS. Now that I have it, I guess they go back into that category. I probably have 10-20 other started projects, which is why I afraid to count them, I might learn that I have more than that. :o

If you want to be scared I could share an estimate on my Mom's UFOs.

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Joann, I have one of those quilt tops that was to be for DS's girlfriend last Christmas, but they are no longer together. Lucky for me someone at work saw it and wants to give it as a give this year.....I still have to quilt it tho.

One of my online groups has designated the first weekend of every month to work on Christmas/Holiday projects, so that we don't feel overloaded in December.

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JoAnn...I'm a finisher but I am afraid to look at my PIP (projects in process). Those that come to mind quickly are a 4 block machine applique (the blocks are made & buttonholed), a story quilt about my dad's life (the pattern has been drawn & enlarged, the background and border are made, the applique fabrics are set aside), and a quilt from a scrap buster class at the LQS (most of the blocks are made but not put together). Oh, and there is that king size log cabin which has been the project I sew on every Monday at bee (only 12 more blocks to make) and a strippy quilt (applique on the strips is done) but first I must finish a sample for the LQS and the 2 quilts I have entered into the Tucson Quilt Fiesta in January. I'm sure if I actually dug around in the studio I'd find lots more but I WILL FINISH THEM ALL EVENTUALLY. I promise. ;)

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I had a friend that swore that you should NEVER start another project before you have completed the one you are working on!!(lable,binding-everything) LOL

Please note the key word "had":D:D

I am not too thrilled to count my UFOs-but I do strive to do a charity quilt for each quilt I complete whether it is for a customer or my own. This allows me to use up some of those UFO blocks.


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My sister is one who buys a project FINISHES that project and then goes for another one....man I can't do that, but I have promised her that I would start to put a dent into my stash of projects (last count 75) and finish the 6 tops that I have already made....as well as finish the wedding present that I started in September when my sewing machine was stolen from UPS.....

So if I say it out loud....enough times...that I will promise to finish my stash before I buy more fabric and start another one...does that really make it come true or do I need to put some effort into seeing the task getting done.?????:P;)

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Gee, this subject makes me take inventory. Yikes!!!!!!! I know I have a popcorn quilt to finish and I just last night started a strip poker quilt that is addictive. I was up way way way late doing those blocks. I want to quilt two a month of the qov quilts. I just got finished a terrific tote bag that I took a class on. It's large enough for a lap computer. I also want to make a lunch box soon. I have tons of tops of my own to quilt. oh, it goes on and on. I have pattern in front of me that just need to get fabric for and a local shop makes that easy. I'm up to my neck and lovin' it!!!!!!!!!!

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I have many projects in various stages of completion. I am okay with this as I know that with ADD it takes a lot to hold my attention. That said. I have unfinished OPPORTUNITIES. I am waiting on some for them to tell me what the next step is. I make up my own patterns usually as I go along and that creates creative challanges. Plus I may well have used "that" fabric in another quilt and now I have to rethink, re-evaluate and redecide waht is important.

Some UFO's are great quilting gifts just as they are. A finish them up gift. If my quilting friends have something thery are done with and want to pass it on, I may well find great joy and satisfaction in finishing it. Don't ask me why their's gets done and my own doesn't.

Sometimes I need ano-brainer to work on and sometimes I want a challenge me one. With many in differing stages it is easy to get to it. When I get to it.......

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Our guild did a challenge this year to see who could finish the most UFO's from past years and those started in 2008. For each quilt finished (label/binding included) we each had to put $1 in the pot along with the quilt name. We are going to pull the quilt names out on Dec 31, 2008 and count. The top 3 winners split the pot. We have nearly 30 members in our guild and I think only 5-6 actually finished past projects. Can't wait to see who wins. The pot was started with money as an incentive...and fabulous other little quilty items.

Note: this does not mean we finished all the UFO's...but definitely have accomplished alot in the last year. I finished nearly 18 projects! Now my closet can breathe some and I have quilts my kids can cuddle with.

We are having a New Years Eve Mystery this year and several of us agreed to only use fabrics from our stash. NO buying for it. Can't wait to see what those quilts look like!! My fabrics have large scale green floral/bright orange/purple w/lime green turtles on it...uhm!

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Originally posted by Mary Beth

So, my day is going fine...how are you doing? :D (New subject please)

I'm with you, MB! Didn't we already do this whole confession thing? I remember a thread just a few months ago.....

My UFO list just keeps getting longer, as I come up with ideas for projects, start them, but never quite finish them:(

But I like Abigail's term - I'll just look at all these piles as "unfinished opportunities"! That sounds a WHOLE lot better.....

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3 - UFOs due for Christmas

dozens more that have no fixed deadlines.

My stash is in plastic bins - I can't think about those now because it would drive me nuts to reorganize right now.

The 3 quilts now are all ready to quilt, except one needs to be pieced first. Yikes, running out of time. Where is Santa? I need Mrs. Claus to help me finish these.

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Originally posted by barbm

Originally posted by Mary Beth

So, my day is going fine...how are you doing? :D (New subject please)

I'm with you, MB! Didn't we already do this whole confession thing? I remember a thread just a few months ago.....

We did do this thread a few months ago :)

Hey, whoever started this subject...just go to the seach line and find the last one. I'm sure that if anything...the numbers have gone up slightly instead of down :P

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