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What are you asking Santa for this year?

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I had a hard time this year, since my studio is all set up; I decided I needed to update myself so I asked for new clothes (which I haven't done in years); DH does a good job, he likes "quality" stuff. I got new "trendy" glasses and new jeans last week -and I've lost 20 lbs, I'm a NEW WOMAN!

Merry Christmas to all....


The Country Stitcher.

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We seem to be at the stage in life where if we'd like it, we get it (nothing huge) Best friend and I go on fabric acquiring missions most every Saturday. (I could wish for a new son-in-law but that won't happen anytime soon! Love is so blind.)

How fortunate to be in a position where the fun things in life are not also the extravagant things to wish for. I work in healthcare and am seeing so many families in financial distress, parents losing jobs, kids with conversion disorders and so worried about their parents. Asking for more in my already plentiful life seems wrong. Having wonderful friends, a good fabric stash, owning a Milli and #1, spending time with the kids over the holidays (24 hrs with the son-in law---all he can handle) is truly a blessing and the memories last much longer than anything I could ever wish for.

Blessings to all of you this holiday season.

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Clearing this up....My mother-in-law is pretty frail and won't be able to get out much this year for shopping, so she just wants to give us the money for the machine and call it her gift to me. My husband says he'll just get me something else. Makes it easy on my mother-in-law and I don't care who it's from!

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Hubby's been asking for my Santa list too, his such a good man :)

I could really use an air compressor.

And last night I discovered that there is a poster of Jane Sickles (dear jane) quilt available from the Bennington Museum. Ohhhh I'd love that so that I could see her blocks and fabrics up a little closer. With the way the Aussie dollar is though I think that will have to wait. I wonder if the Museum have an after Christmas sale :P..............only kidding!

Christmas Cheers


cheers Satu

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Satu wrote that she wanted the Dear Jane Poster.

Satu....I only live a jump and a short hop from Bennington....I'll make you a deal...I'll run and get the poster and mail it to you for a couple of yards of Aussie fabric of your choice. Favorite colors are Reds and Dark Blues. Fabrics we can't get here.....what ya say...

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Yes Virginia there is a Santa Clause!!!! and her name is Bonnie :) :)

Thanks so very much. That is amazing!!!! Will have to go find some nice Aussie prints for you! This will be fun!

So does this mean you've seen "The Quilt" up close and personal? If so what did you think?

I've only recently cought the Dear Jane bug and am planning to start in the new year. I want it to be as close as possible in colour, keeping in mind that the quilt is very old and the fabrics have faded. All the pictures over the net vary so I thought that the poster would be more accurate.

Oh WOW, I'm gobsmacked :P :P :P

Thank You Bonnie,

warm hugs from Satu

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I already know what I'm getting. I get to hug almost every person that I love on Dec 26th when we all meet at my sisters in Scottsdale. Her youngest lives there, too so we'll see him and his 8 yo son.

Even my son is coming down from Berkeley.

My DIL and I along with the 2 youngest grands (1.5 and 3 yo) are flying and DH and DS with oldest grand are driving out with the luggage and gifts.

My DB and DSIL are coming up from El Paso. We're still hoping that my nephew will be able to make it from New Mexico.

Hopefully my niece and her new DH will be coming up from San Antonio. And other niece and family from Austin.

It feels a bit odd to be the grandmas and grandpas as our parents have all passed. This will be our first gathering without at least one parent. Well, we are all parents, LOL, but you know what I mean. The holidays are the time for all those wonderful memories that make us laugh and cry at the same time. The gift wrap, carols and yummy food are just the icing on the cake.

I plan to collect lots of hugs.

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Originally posted by matildanme

So does this mean you've seen "The Quilt" up close and personal? If so what did you think?

No actually I have been wanting an excuse to go see it and NOW I HAVE it....I have driving past the Museum several times and either said I would come back later or it was to late in the day to stop.....;):P;)

LINDA...you made me laugh.....I was well into my 30's before I got to sit at the big people table....we have so many brothers and sisters, Nieces and Nephews that us older kids had to help the little guys and of course the older older sisters and hubby's and parents got the table.... Now parents are gone and a new crop of kids to help the now younger ones SO I GOT TO SIT at the big kids table.... I was so smug! I mentioned it at the table and the older two sisters there...stopped and looked at each other and had to agree that this was my first time. :cool:

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Phyllis, check out this website, it's mostly Singer, but has a bit of a lot of other machines, too.. you may be able to date it and find out where it was manufactured.. theres another site where you may find a manual, but I don't seem to be able to find it right now. May have been on the old computer that crashed.


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Already got mine: a flat screen tv for my quilt studio. Watched Lisa Calle's Feathers for a New Generation while quilting pillow shams, which were as much work as the quilt--now I get why quilters have a minimum $50 charge for small quilts. :) But I digress. I don't even remember buying or watching that Lisa Calle DVD. Fabulous video! I LOVE my flat screen tv! It isn't even hooked up to our satellite service, strictly for watching DVDs. Yeah! My granddaughter visited over T-giving and loved watching her videos while lying on the sofa wrapped up in a quilt! :D Good place to nap, too. My studio doesn't have much space, but it has all the essentials. :) Life is good.

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I'd love a completed kitchen, but maybe that will have to be for Easter. At least I have a perfect excuse for not cooking!

Surgery for DH would be pretty wonderful too. He's had a pinched nerve/bulging disc for way too long, and it's really starting to wear on him. Sounds like he'll be having it in a couple of weeks. Due to our jobs, we are without the wonders of health insurance, but God has really blessed us with that situation. The MRI was about 1/3rd of what the doctor initially quoted, and the surgeon is cutting his rate "in half". Also, he'll have it at a clinic as an oupatient, so no overnight in the hosp. (where the food is awful! I know, I used to work there), and home in his own bed. Hopefully he'll be able to have it right before his 2 weeks off for the holidays, so he won't even be losing time from work.

Speaking of blessings, I'm going to take my 2 furry blessngs, Toby and Marshall, for a walk to the store. We'll go through the drivethru so that I don't have to leave them outside. Last time I did that Toby chewed through Marshall's leash, and Marshall came into the store to go shopping!

Have a lovely holiday season everyone!

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Well Santa (AKA myself) has already arranged most of my Christmas pressies! I am getting the full set of CC Triarc rulers (http://www.constantinequilts.com.au/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=20), 3 Sharon Schamber DVDs (in preperation for her workshops in Australia next year that I am booked into - yay!), and a template to draw feathers.

I am hoping Santa will add to that a top thread tension guage, and I have asked for a babylock overlocker but not holding my breath on that one LOL! Oh and maybe some fabric :)

Susan in Australia

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We tried to buy a house last February and after much stress everything fell through. We ended up renting a small place and hoping a house would come along in a year or so. In the meantime, I bought my LA and she takes up 1/3 of my bedroom! Last week out of the blue a lady called me about a craft show, and long story, mentioned the very first house we looked at was still for sale and had come down in price by $40,000. The house we tried to buy was new, but 2000 sq. feet. This house is 3400 sq feet but needs a little work. It has a huge place for business/ studio and lots of character, room for my kiddos and land. Sooo... for Christmas, I'm praying for this house! My DH is a little worried about the work, but our payment would be so great... no worries there. Please pray for me everyone!

Also, remember I'm a newbie, but why do quilters need an air compressor? Is it for cleaning all the fuzz and stuff?


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Beth, LOL, I can just hear Marshall saying "Toby made me do it, woof".

LindaR (ffqlar) gave away a free top tension gauge last year. It is all about the tension spring on the right side of the machine. The spring, when there is no thread in it, is at about 10 o'clock.

Now thread the machine all the way through the needle and look at tension spring. It's probably still 10 or 9 o'clock.

Now pull the thread toward the back of the machine (6 inches or so back from the needle). While holding the thread taut, perfect tension is when the tension spring is pulled down to 8 o'clock. Adjust as necessary to achieve the 8 o'clock. It works great.

Merry Christmas

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Satu....Your Dear Jane quilt poster is in my house...I ran up there this morning and got it....will get your poster into the mail on Monday....so with luck it will be there by Christmas.

I didn't get to see either the original or the duplicate Dear Jane as the one room wasn't open today, and the original is only out on display in September during the annual quilt show, but now I will have another reason to scoot back up there to see it. Its only about 2 hours away and a nice easy drive.

I did however spend some time in the "Grandma Moses' " rooms....I remember her from when I was little...she died when I was in the second grade and EVERY Christmas card we got that year was a Grandma Moses painting......if you like folkie drawings and painting and are not familiar with her work she is one of the best.

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Shana, what a treasure.....I was so in awe when looking at all the originals....there had to be at least 40 in the room and there were bits and pieces of her life, her drawing table and chair, clothing, childhood treasures and every day life stuffs.....I really would have spent more time in there, but Siana is just getting off her crutches and can't stand for long and by the time we got to that room she was not only hurting, but really tired as well. I will go back when its just me and spend all day if I can.;)

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Thanks you Bonnie, That was Speedy! I'm very excited!

I've been sorting through my stash and have found lots and lots of reproduction fabrics that may qualify. They are now lovingly sorted into a box. Still need to go through my scraps. Even the smallest fabrics will work me thinks as the blocks are only 4.5"

What I shame you didn't get to see 'The Quilt' in real life. I was looking forward to your report. And they have a duplicate there aswell, Fancy that! I hope Siana is OK.

Will try to get you your fabric in the mail on Tuesday. Fingers crossed it will be there in time for the Big Guy in Red. Thanks again, you are so very kind :)


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