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What are you asking Santa for this year?

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Oh, Linda, I want WHIRLED PEAS too! :P

My list has grown since my last post. My Tuesday hiking group is missing its compass (our planner and guide has shingles). Last week we ended up two miles from the car at the end of our hike, which we thought was a loop that would take us back to where we started. We had to flag down a pickup truck to ask directions. The occupants looked like they were straight out of the movie Deliverance. :o So I asked Santa for a GPS, and he agreed, saying if anyone ever needed a GPS, it's us!

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Originally posted by matildanme

Santa Bonnie...........It's HERE!!!!!

The poster has arrived. I will resist the urge to open it and have a peek.

It's under the tree and I will open it up come Christmas morn.

thank you :) thank you :) thank you :)

many thanks from a very excited :D:P


I was thinking about you today....and wondering if it got there or not yet. I honestly haven't been to the post office yet this week so can't say for sure your package has arrive, but I will let you know as soon as I get my lazy hinny down the road to get there. ;);)

So glad that it got there before Christmas....and they say the post office is slow.:cool:

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My family no longer gets gifts for each other - except for the little ones - DH and I and our kids shop together for a needy family - wonderful way to teach the little ones about giving. This year when we went shopping our 3 year old grabbed a rollered pink camo suitcase and started going up and down the aisle with it saying "This is for 'those other girls'. It was so adorable - she is starting to GET it. As for me------ DH just got his dream '60 Chevy and he is buying me a "hoochie mama" ring. So excited.

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Satu....I got my lazy hinny down to the PO and guess what...there were some Santa Roo's waiting for me......THANK you so much for the lovely fabrics....need to make some plans for them this next year, and Thanks you for the extra gift.....it was very kind of you to add that as well.

Happy Holidays to you and yours....

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Originally posted by angiemueller

My family no longer gets gifts for each other - except for the little ones - DH and I and our kids shop together for a needy family - wonderful way to teach the little ones about giving. This year when we went shopping our 3 year old grabbed a rollered pink camo suitcase and started going up and down the aisle with it saying "This is for 'those other girls'. It was so adorable - she is starting to GET it. As for me------ DH just got his dream '60 Chevy and he is buying me a "hoochie mama" ring. So excited.

Angie, this is exactly what I do, too. Christmas has gotten so commercial with a bunch of "stuff" and we end up placing expectations on ourselves that we all have to give gifts to everyone. I can't stand the crowded stores and the crowded lines at the post office. My DH had to stand in line at our post office for 1 1/2 hours the other day to pick up two packages. One was for a friend (not even for us) and the other box was cookies from Alaska Airlines they send to their customers. Sheesh!! It's getting ridiculous. I say "time out" on that and let's step back and give quality, not quantity. Enjoy eachother's company. Be together as a family. Enjoy the simple things and appreciate the season for its true meaning. Boil it down into a teaspoon and really laugh and love, eat and be merry. Make Christmas fun and special for the children. Grown-ups? We all really get a kick out of the kids, right? That's enough joy for me; watching the kids. I don't need any more things added to my already abundant pile of stuff I've accumulated over the years, and if I do want something, I save and then I buy it. Easy. There are so many families and kids who have little to nothing. If I give gifts, it's to those folks. They really treasure and appreciate it. Makes me feel good, too.

I gotta ask... Now you have me curious: What is a "hoochie mama" ring? I am guessing it's something with major bling in it.

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My DH got it for me already. I got Pre-Design Studio and have been busy making my own pantographs. I love the program. I don't love printing the panto's but I'm getting better at it.


Good for you on the Singer hand crank. I love old machines too. The straight stitchers are great for piecing. If you want to know more about your machine, visit this website:




There is even a decal ID page there.

Have loads of fun with your new toy.

Judy Z

SM collector

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My kids and DH had to beg me for a list this year ............. I already have it - Miss Ribbit and she is so wonderful and have done so many wonderful things with her - not that my quilting is all that great yet but definitely improvement is there - so maybe more LA classes!! Actually I have already signed up for Camp Molawa (sp??) next September so that part is solved too.

Right now is all I want is for my little dog Tucker to get home from the hospital - a simple surgery that turned into a very difficult surgery Wednesday and they won't let him come home yet:( After that I send warm wishes to all of you and hope that the New Year is good to all. You are the best quilting buddies - so keep on quilting and inspiring me!!!!

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I did the same thing...jumped into "college" without going to elementry school :) I'd like to take some piecing classes too.

I think I have changed my wish list since I first posted....I want a Wii for Christmas. They just look like so much fun....bought one for my DS and his family...but I want one now.

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Sorry we haven't answered the question asked of us a couple of days ago. Been traveling for work and preparing for 11 people here at Xmas.

We are Brenda and Rod Turner and we quilt for fun. Brenda has been quilting for a long time and got hubby Rod involved a few years ago. Both of us are trying our hand at long arm work, but find we don't have the time to get really good practice time in as we both are still working.

It is very interesting and informative to read all that is going on in the long arm world, and I am sure in the long run it will help us be better quilters.

Thanks for asking.

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I have to get myself my own Christmas presents. I think I want to get myself a camera this year. Have no idea what to get but want good pictures and to be able to download them to the computer. I was thinking about a Kodak Easy Share, anyone have that one? I don't want to spend a huge amount, but with the deals this year I think I might be able to score a better one for a lower price than ususal. Any ideas?

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Originally posted by kennan100

I have to get myself my own Christmas presents. I think I want to get myself a camera this year. Have no idea what to get but want good pictures and to be able to download them to the computer. I was thinking about a Kodak Easy Share, anyone have that one? I don't want to spend a huge amount, but with the deals this year I think I might be able to score a better one for a lower price than ususal. Any ideas?

I don't have the Easy Share, but I have one of the older Kodaks and you shouldn't have any trouble....

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