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A little advice......

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Okay ladies I am fessing up. I like to save bits of bobbin thread for bindings, and end up going places with a metal bobbin in my pocket.

Today I was doing some laundry and the first pair of jeans I pulled out was somehow connected to the second pair, and the third and so on. I figured something was unraveling until I started pulling off the threads that were tying this whole mess together. The thread was GREEN. Hey!!! there are no green clothes in this machine. Then I realized what had happened. A boobin (not full I am sure, but with plenty on it) had gone through the wash.

Every pair of jeans in the load was tied in knots. I tried pulling, yanking, tearing at the tread, but wouldn't you know-it was bottom line and wouldn't budge. I had to go upstairs, get the scissors and spent the next 15 minutes trying to free the clothes from their seemingly frail bonds. Cursing and swearing, I finally laughed at myself, and promised myself to not just check my husbands pockets (for money of course!) but my own as well.

Just thought you'ld want to know.:P:D:P:D

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DH is always picking threads off his uniform every time he hugs me on his way out the door - I'd really laugh if he was 'frogging' the clothes when he took them out of the dryer (and yes, he actually helps with laundry - and no - don't want to share him - he's a keeper :D )

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As a mother of two daughters, one only has to have a tube of lipstick go through the washer and dryer once before you remember to always, always, check everybody's pockets before throwing them in the machine. I also made a rule that any money left in articles of clothing become the property of the person who is doing the laundry. That helped ensure that family members start checking their own pockets before throwing them in the laundry basket.


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