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Have you started on your New Years Blocks?

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Yes, well I have! Today I cut out several blocks using a pattern I knew would turn out to measure 12 1/2 square. I got the first one done and measured and it was 12 1/4 square. What??? Lets try that again. I, re-measured, re-cut and tried it all again. Still is wasn't exactly 12 1/2 square. Finally, I punched it and pulled it and threw it in the air. I crumpled it and twisted it and squashed it thread bare. After I took my foot off its neck and ironed it out flat, it gave in, squared up and was the right size. Whew! Only 15 more to go!:o:o:o

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Ah, Sylvia! You make me feel like I am not the only one who goes thru this! And you are so experienced and I am not! By the way, folks, Sylvia is a lot younger than I am, but she has been doing this for years and I am new, so she is my mentor. I want to get started on the blocks too, however, I am concerned because Teresa has not acknowledged:D my u2u. I just want to make sure she got my mail. How do I do that?

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Originally posted by quiltnana

I want to get started on the blocks too, however, I am concerned because Teresa has not acknowledged:D my u2u. I just want to make sure she got my mail. How do I do that?

Have you emailed her as well....we don't always check our U2U's on a regular time frame, although I'm sure that Teresa does as much as she can.

Go find one of her last posts and below in the box where all the little blue icons are..is one that states email...that is her personal home email addy....and she will get that I'm sure. Just put in BOLD in the subject box the intent and she will get it.

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New Year's blocks?? What New Year's blocks? Are there rules? Can anyone join? Are we exchanging?

OK, I admit it, I am a bit behind on the list, but will someone take pity on me and let me know about this?

Sheila (who has been very busy with customer quilts lately, which is good, I guess. It pays more than reading the list does, but isn't always as fun.)

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Well my muslin arrived and I was all excited to start until someone rang on Friday pleading with me to quilt her Christmas quilts for her. There is only 3 she said. She must have caught me in a weak moment or I just might be a sucker but I said "yes no problem you'll have them by Christmas"

Now where did I put the valium!!!!

Will post photos of the finished Eagle quilt tomorrow (if I find time)

So the plan is Boxing Day I am putting a Do Not Disturb sign on and piecing my blocks.

Well that is the plan, we'll see if I can stick to it......My DH goes back to work on Christmas day so it will be very quiet in our house.

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